How to Create An Affiliate Landing Page For Affiliate Marketing

How to create an affiliate landing page

The goal of all marketers or bloggers is to not only drive traffic to their websites but also to turn them into customers or business partners.

And the best way to turn visitors into buyers is to set up a high converting sales funnel in place.

I have created a complete guide on how to build an affiliate marketing sales funnel you can check it out.

A sales funnel is a combination of pages designed to lead the visitor through your desired action.

And it generally starts with a landing page or opt-in page.

If you are wondering how to create an affiliate landing page for affiliate marketing to pre-sell your offer, generate hot leads and then turn those leads into buyers, you are in the right place.

In this guide, we will show you how to set up a high-converting landing page with real examples so that you can start building yours.

Without a delay let’s get started.

But first and foremost,…

What is an affiliate landing page?

An affiliate landing page is a custom page built on your website or on a third-party landing page builder with the purpose of turning as many visitors to your website into hot leads as possible to boost sales conversions.

It is designed to attract your potential clients or prospects who are a good fit for your affiliate offer (the product or service you are promoting).

The overall goal of a landing page is to move your audience or prospects to action – in our case, to buy your affiliate products or services.

This page is the one you send most of your visitors to and if it is well optimized, you can use the same landing page on all the marketing mediums you use to generate leads such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Why use a landing page for your affiliate marketing business?

First off, keep in mind that the landing page type you will be talking about here is the lead generation landing page.

In a landscape with so much competition, it is important to focus on long-term strategy over short-term strategies.

An affiliate landing page is the best way to skyrocket your affiliate lead conversion rate and even your sales conversion rate and revenue.

First, a lead generation landing page allows you to build your email list.

This is an asset you own. A traffic source you can leverage when even your existing traffic drops down.

And since people, who opt into your email list give you permission to send them promotional emails you can promote not only your main affiliate offer (the one you designed the landing page to promote) and even related affiliate offer.

That gives you a larger return on your time or your money if you are using paid ads to generate that leads.

But this is not the only reason to build an affiliate marketing landing page to promote your business.

A landing page removes all distractions and leads your visitors with a clear CTA to take action. That can boost your lead generation conversion rate.

Affiliate link usage has been changed with certain platforms like Facebook.

There was a time when sharing affiliate links on Facebook is allowed without ringing their spam algorithm.

These days it is not possible to directly share affiliate links and still get more exposure and they will still continue with their restrictions regarding the way marketers use their platform.

A landing page not only helps to get the best of your time and money but also allows you to use links on those platforms without getting in trouble.

By the way, if you want to create effective landing pages faster and easier you can use CoreXFunnels. It’s the most powerful funnel and landing page builder available.

If you want more success with your affiliate marketing business lead generation should be your focus. That leads us to the next section of our guide on how to create an affiliate marketing landing page for affiliate marketing.

Types of Landing Page Marketers Use & Which One To Give More Focus

There are 2 types of landing pages marketers use:

  • 1. A lead generation landing designed to generate leads.
  • 2. A pre-lander or pre-sell page designed to pre-sell an offer to potential customers.

What is a lead generation landing page?

A lead generation landing page as I said previously is used to generate leads and it is designed with a specific goal in mind: get the visitors’ interest and then turn them into leads.

Its purpose is to get visitors’ personal information like email addresses, and phone numbers in order to make a contact point.

Generally, a lead magnet is used for that purpose. That is a valuable offer you offer for free to your visitors in exchange for their contact.

What is a pre-lander?

A pre-lander as its name suggests is a landed before a lander.

It is a simple page designed to pre-sell your affiliate offer in order to capture your visitors’ interest and then move them into the desired action which is to buy your affiliate offer.

As defined your pre-lander can be an optimized blog post like reviews, or a product roundup design to presell your offer.

Both affiliate landing pages have the same goal: convert the visitor into a customer or buyer.

But the best affiliate landing page I recommend using and what I want to teach in this guide is the one designed not to pre-sell but also to generate hot leads for your business.

Only the second one is direct and while it might be converting the visitors into buyers, the marketer is leaving money on the table because the odds of getting that visitor to buy another product from him are low.

And the worse cases, if the visitor didn’t buy the product – that happens in most cases that visitor is lost forever.

There is not a magic pill for converting visitors into customers. You should build trust, and get your visitors to know and like you before trying to recommend them your offer.

People buy from people they know like and trust.

Personally, I think the smart way is to use a lead generation landing page first, and once you get their personal information (when they opt-in) you send them directly to your pre-lander.

In this case, your pre-lander becomes like a bridge page. And it is a connector of your landing page with your affiliate link or offer’s sales page.

How to Create An Affiliate Landing Page For Affiliate Marketing - example

Tools to create an affiliate marketing landing page

There are a vast array of landing builder tools out there you can use to build your affiliate marketing landing page.

But here are our top recommended landing builder tools: – is also a landing builder tool to consider if you are on a budget. They offer a free Membre plan that is enough for starters to get started with lead generation and email marketing.

Getresponse – Getresponse also provides a landing page builder. But compared to both tools above their design need improvement.

Getresponse is good for email marketing

What to Include in Your Affiliate Landing Page for a better conversion rate?

But what should you include on your page to get the best results?

Your affiliate marketing landing page should include the following elements:

Headline – Use attention-grabbing headlines with power words to grab your readers’ interest faster.

A lead magnet – use a valuable lead magnet to boost your lead conversion rate.

Benefits statement – List the benefits of your lead magnet or offer to keep them motivated.

If your page goal is to promote an affiliate product, list the benefits to show your value.

Compelling Copy – Write your landing page copy by showcasing your offer value, benefits, and the reasons they should care, and then move then to your goal.

Media – An image is sometimes worth 1000 words. Use Visual elements like videos and graphics to illustrate or sustain your message or copy, demonstrate your offer’s benefits and keep them motivated.

CTA Button – Strategically include multiple call-to-action buttons within your landing page copy to invite visitors to take action.

Now you know:

  • What an affiliate landing page is,
  • The different types that exist,
  • Why you should create one for your affiliate marketing business and,
  • What your affiliate marketing landing page should include,…

Let’s now look at how to create a landing page for affiliate marketing with some real affiliate landing page examples so you can see them in action.

How to build a high-converting affiliate landing page from scratch

Here is the step to follow if you want to learn how to create an affiliate landing page for affiliate marketing:

Determine Your Audience Pain Points

A lead generation landing page is the first step for your visitors to get into your marketing funnel.

If you want to generate leads that convert you should find out what keeps them awake – their pain points.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is your ideal customer?
  • What are their pain points or struggle?
  • What do they want to feel better, their aspirations and hope?

Find a marketing angle of your offer and use it on your landing page copy

A marketing angle is a way for you to touch a specific interest or pain point of your audience, to engage influence, and persuade them to take your desired action.

So instead of blatantly showing your offer features,…

  • pinpoint a particular interest of your audience,
  • speak the same language as your target audiences
  • deliver a clear and concise message of your offer, and
  • give them answers to their main concerns rather than just
  • demonstrating the features of the product.

Again people don’t buy features, they buy solutions – your promise.

Create a lead magnet that can serve as a pre-sell of your offer

A magnet is an offer you give to your audience for free in exchange for their email address.

Based on what you promote and the marketing angle determined for your marketing campaign, you can create a valuable lead magnet you will use to generate leads for your business and then promote your main offer.

It can be:

  • An eBook,
  • A free course delivered using email marketing or on a membership,
  • Free templates, etc.

Use Attention-Grabbing Headline – Keep It simple and straightforward

The headline of your landing page is what people see first and it can keep them reading or bounce back.

To maximize your chance of getting them to read the rest of your copy and then take them to your desired action, you should hook your audience by using power words and a great promise in your headline.

Something to avoid is making a claim you cannot back it up with real data, testimonials, or some other verifiable evidence.

Add Bullet Points about Benefits

If you manage to get people’s attention with your headline they would read the rest of the copy.

But what will move to take action is the copy itself and mainly the benefits.

No one care about you. What is inside for them? This is what makes or breaks the conversion.

So it is advisable to showcase the benefits of your offer to your visitors rather than the features.

Use Media That Sustain Your Copy or Message

Images help and enhance readership. So make sure you use relevant and well-designed images that illustrate and sustain your message.

Use A Clear CTAs That Move Them To Action

Your affiliate landing page needs to offer a strong call-to-action (CTA) that will encourage your potential customers to take your desired action.

  • Clearly tell your visitors what you want them to do – If you want them to download an ebook, or join a mini-course,
  • Make Your CTA Visual – use a color that is easy to find so that your visitors can immediately see the desired action you want them to take.
  • Place your CTA strategically and choose your words smartly – the button copy is a
  • part of your landing page copy and it should be clear and concise.

Example of CTAs button copy you can use:

  • “Get your free copy” or “download your pdf now” – if you are offering a free eBook.
  • “Book a call now” or “Book an appointment” – if you are offering a consulting service
  • “Start learning”, or “join the academy” if you are offering a free course.

Must-read post: Ultimate email marketing guide for beginners.

Final thoughts…

An affiliate marketing landing page can boost your conversion rate if backed up with the right offer.

Instead of directing your visitors to directly your affiliate links, try to create a landing page for your affiliate marketing business.

That will help you not only to generate more leads for your business but also it can boost your affiliate revenue.

I hope you found this guide on how to create an affiliate landing page for affiliate marketing helpful.

Do you have a question? Drop it below in the comment section.

And if you need a hand to build your own affiliate landing page, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


To your success!


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