How To Find A Niche For Your Blog In 2024: tips To Choose And Analyze Its Profitability

How to find a niche for a blog

Want to learn how to find a niche for your blog or business in 2024?

Choosing the right niche or the profitable market segment for a new business can be daunting and a challenge – mainly for those who are just starting out their online journey.

However, it is the first step and a must-do task for everyone who wants to create a profitable online business. no matters if it is a simple blog, an e-commerce site or affiliate marketing business, knowing the right market segment in which to get in is very important for its success.

This is why today, I want to stop by and show you how to find a profitable niche for your blog or any online business you are planning to start. Because it is one of the key components of your business success.

To help you better conduct a better market research or to choose your niche wisely I will be covering the following points in this guide:

  • I will first show you what a niche is (niche definition), and why is it important to find a niche for your blog?
  • I will also show you my process for choosing a niche for my blog,
  • and I will finally, give you 4 tips to analyze your niche and validate its profitability.

But well before getting to this point, let me congratulate you if your goal is to start a side hustle online business in order to improve your living conditions or to one day get out of the 9 to 5 grind and be your own boss.

I am a side hustler and I know that having a side job can be a challenge. Because you will need to invest your free time on your side business to make it grow. So no leisure time again! But it is an investment that will pay off over time.

In fact, when I was starting this website in 2019, I didn’t know I will be able to make money sooner from it. But I was surprised to making a 3 digit recurring and passive income from it just after 6 months I get started.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!!!

Niche definition ( What is a niche? )

To better understand what a niche is for blogging, we will first define what a niche market is.

What is a niche market?

A niche market is a very targeted and restricted market with sales potential.

It can be also defined a segment of a large market that has its own unique needs and references. Instead targeting a large market, smart entrepreneurs opt to target small and specific group of people where they can develop a new sales channel easier and faster.

What is a niche for blogging?

In the field of blogging, a niche is a specific subject or topic you will be writing about on your blog.

In other words, it is the process of creating content with an intend to targeting a small group of people who have a specific needs or preference.

Here, unlike a generalist blog that target a large group of people, the niche blog is based on a very specific topic and well-directed to a specific audience.

As an example helps to better understand, let’s take an example.

A blog about health is a generalist blog. But a blog that talks about the weight loss after pregnant is a niche blog.

The domain concerned is health, but the subject here is very specific because the site will only talk about weight loss and most precisely weight loss for women who gave birth.

How tto find niche

So I think you understand the process!

Also read, best niches for affiliate marketing.

Why is it important to find a niche for your blog?

There are several reasons to do so:

A niche blog allows you to better undertand your audiences and know what is their needs and struggle,
This allows you to become an expert in that niche quickly, that open more opportunity for you.
Unlike a generalist blog, a niche blog allows you to have more qualified prospects because it is easy to know what problem or needs your audience has,
It is easier to rank your blog on search engines comparing to a generalist blog.
A well-chosen niche site will allow you to monetize it faster than a generalist site.
A niche blog help you avoid competing with well established site in your industry.

Now you know what a niche in blogging is, and why it is important to build a niche blog or niche website rather than a generalist blog, let’s see how you can find a profitable niche to make a side income.

How to find a niche for a blog? – my process of picking a profitable niche for blogging

A profitable niche is a niche that meets a need or solves a problem.
And this is very important to know if you are planning to start a profitable blog or any online business.

Yes, any profitable business that last is founded on solving people problems or filling a gap in the market.

While most bloggers just advise you to go with your passion, I want you to think as an entrepreneur – unless it is a hobby blog you want to start or just share your passion with the world. If it is a blog you intend to make sustainable income from, I think you must go beyond your passion.

I don’t say it is impossible to make profits from a blog built around your passion or hobby. What I mean is that not all passion is monetizable. And if you build your blog around your passion without any in-depth market research on its profitability you will regret your choice later.

Another thing to consider is your skills, experience or knowledge on the topic.

For me, a profitable niche is a combination of your passion, knowledge, and market potential.

A profitable niche is a combination of your passion, knowledge, and market potential.

How to pick a niche

Let me explain you a bit the image above:

  • #1= your passion + your skills, experience or knowledge in the niche you want to get in + market potential. That is a profitable niche and you can make profit from it. The lower the competition level, the faster you will start seeing results – and vice versa.
  • #2= your passion + market potential. Even if you dont habe experience or Knowledge, here you can make money if you are ready to learn from experts in your niche and then provide value to your audience.
  • #3= your passion + skills or expertise in the niche you want to get in without any market potential. This is a niche to avoid if you intend to make profit from it.

So begin to find a need or gap in a given area.

To help you pick or choose the right niche for your blog, follow these simple steps:

Determine the domain in which you have interest or passionate about.

Once you have chosen the field in which you feel comfortable offering the best of yourself, start subdividing the general niche into sub-niches, then these sub-niches into sub-niches again and so on. This will lead you to have several specific topics on hand.

Among these specific topics or sub-niches, choose the topic that fascinates or interest you the most.

Then, answer this question: Do have any experience, skills, or knowledge in this area?

If your answer is yes, then go with the next step.

If not, are you ready to learn from experts in this area and then create unique content to help your audience? In other words, is there a way you can stand from the crowd and provide more value to your audience?

Sure, you don’t have to be an expert in your niche in order to make money from your business. But if you don’t have any experience or knowledge in your niche, you must learn from successful people in your industry and then apply what you learned in your business.

Keep in mind, you are building a business, a brand. And the way you can make it grow is by serving your audience like no one in your industry. That can be done based on the way you treat your audience, your voice ton, the type of content you create, etc.

If you answer is yes to both questions above, the next step to finding a profitable niche for your blog is to figure out if people actually spend their hard-earrned cash on that niche.

This is exactly what we will figure out in the section of this guide on how to find a niche for your blog.

4 tips to analyze your niche and validate its profitability?

Here we go!!!

We have a specific subject or topic in hand. But we still have the validation process to go through. Right?

But before we go through this process, let me break one of the limiting beliefs that some people have been singing to us for years: “profitable niches are already taken”.

Yes!!! Maybe it’s true! Maybe it’s not! But the reality is that many blogs or websites are created every day.

While you are reading this guide, thousands of people are creating their own blogs.
That’s reality!!!!!

And the truth…

Competition is tougher today than it was 5-10 years ago, but there are more opportunities today than it was 5-10 years ago. Right?

So instead of complaining competition is tthough, follow this guide to pick a niche you can make profits easily.

Let’s dive in!

Also, read how to start an affiliate marketing business.

1. Make sure your niche meets a need

First and foremost, remember that a profitable niche is f a niche that meets a need.

Does the specific subject or niche you have chosen meet a need?

Yes? No?

To find out, we will use tools combined with tips to discover it.

Let’s go!!!!!

First, start typing your keyword on Google. You will get suggestions keywords (in the semantic results) related to your main keyword. This means that there are Internet users who are doing research on this topic (niche).

Here is an example with my main keyword: “make extra money from home”!

How to find a niche for a blog

The screenshot above shows us that there are people who are interested in that topic.

Now, let’s do a search using the keyword to get an idea of the competition level.

Market research results from Google

As you can see in the image above, with the keyword “make extra money from home, we have more than 2,900,000,000 results. This number that Google provides is an indicator of the competition. That means that there are people who are interested in this niche but the competition is high.

And the higher the number of results, the tougher the competition. But that’s already a good indicator because it means you can get a share of the pie.

How o choose a niche for a blog

But these results are not enough to make a decision about the profitability of our niche.

For this reason, we will use a keyword search tool like Jaaxy.

This is the best keyword research tool I use to find out an untapped niche and the right keywords for my blog post.

Enter the keyword in the search bar and then hit the ” find keywords button”.

This will give you some data.

keyword research process

As you can see here, with the keyword “make extra money from home”, we have a search volume of over 4000 + per month. This exceeds by far the recommended minimum of 1000.

2. Make sure the competition is not too fierce (not necessary but for success speed up)

A profitable niche is a niche with low competition.

Always consider the data we obtained with Jaaxy (picture above):

The estimated traffic this keyword can target is about 1100 per month and 191 pages are competing for the same exact keyword on Google.

This is a good sign because competitiveness in this niche is not so high. As for the number of traffic, we can increase this with the other related keywords.

Before we move on, I want you to understand something. To succeed in the online world, some basic tools are necessary. One of these basic tools is a keyword research tool.

You need a keyword research tool to not only evaluate the profitability of your niche but also to choose the right keyword to write your articles in order to stay ahead of the crowd and get ranked #1 on the search engines.

That’s why I recommend to my readers, Wealthy Affiliate where you will have at your disposal a premium keyword research tool (worth 19$ per month) for free.

With Wealthy Affiliate, Your Hosting + Jaaxy + Training, and other online resources = $49 per month or $495 per year.

You can get a discount of 39% for your first-month membership just by clicking this button below.

3. Make sure that your niche has a growing trend

market research using Google trend

A profitable niche is a niche with a growing trend.
To find out if your niche has a growing trend or not, you can use a free tool like Google trends. With this tool, you will know if your niche is a declining, stable, or growing niche.

Also, read how to make money blogging.

4. Make sure there is possibility of monetization

A profitable niche is a niche that offers a possibility of monetization.
Yes, we are talking about how to find a profitable niche for a blog. We are talking about a niche that can make you an extra income on the side, a niche that can be a very profitable side hustle for you. So it is important to examine its profitability.

Also, read 8 best ways to make money with your blog.

Over to you!! Start TODAY or …

After all the tips we covered here, how do we decide if the niche we have chosen is worth it?

I would like you to understand that beyond these tips and the assessments you will make to determine if your niche has potentialities that can help you make money in your niche, what really matters is:

1. the value you will bring to your audience to stand out of the crowd.

2. It is also the growth of your niche.

But remember that you can’t know everything before you start your blog. Between your current idea and your dream (the life you desire), there is only one thing that matters and can lead you to where you want to be: ACTION.

So, instead of always asking yourself how to find a profitable niche for your blog, ask yourself how can I start now.

Whatever your idea, whatever the profitability of your niche, without an ACTION on your part, you will not achieve your goal.

Do you really want to start your side hustle in blogging? Are you ready to create your website or blog to make money on the side of your day job?

If so, I recommend Bluehost or Wealthy Affiliate which is a platform that offers better tools (hosting+Keyword tool) and a dynamic community as well as training that will help lay down your path to be successful in your blogging journey.


To your success!!!

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14 thoughts on “How To Find A Niche For Your Blog In 2024: tips To Choose And Analyze Its Profitability”

  1. Great Article!
    I like how you broke down each step of how to get started, especially picking a niche. I thought the article was very informative and the directions are very easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Sebastian, thank you for your post. I loved how you broke down the process of finding a niche and then gave lots of steps and tips to do so and also recommended tools and resources. To me though, the most important thing you said was at the end, it will take action as the best information in the world with no action keeps you exactly where you are.

    1. Yes, Tamika G.
      Action is what really matters!
      But unfortunately, many people instead of committing to work to achieve their dream, spend their time daydreaming. They want to know everything and have control over every aspect of their project before they start. Which is impossible. You have to start with the minimum you have and readjust some things afterward, isn’t that what some famous entrepreneurs like Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, have done? all successful entrepreneurs have understood this: “Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.”
      Thank you for staying by!
      Nice to meet you!!
      All the best!


  3. Great information Sebastion, very thorough write up on the subject of niches and how to find them. This info will be very helpful to a lot of people looking to start a business online.

  4. Informative post, I feel much more confident in finding a niche. Having everything broken down in this article is so helpful! I’m feeling positive to start and for the future.
    Thank you

    1. HeyAndy,
      Thank you very much for your comment! And I wish you all the best in choosing your niche!
      I’m glad it was useful to you.
      To your success!!

  5. Picking a niche is one of the hardest tasks for any affiliate marketer and online entrepreneur. It is always good to pick something you are passionate about, because this is something you will be focusing your attention to. I decided that my niche is helping others succeed online and my posts are dedicated to this topic.

    Loved your guide. I will definitely bookmark your website for future posts. I think helping others is a great way to build your website.


    1. Yes Strahinja, you may be right! Choosing a niche is not always easy. But I think that’s not impossible either. As you mentioned, you can base yourself on your passion and find one. What is sure passion will always beat competition!
      Thank you for your comment and for your time!
      I wish you good luck in your career. And as Horace Mann so rightly said: “Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.” So I think you’re on the right track.
      All the best!!

  6. Hey Sebastian
    I think l’ll keep your site in my favourites list as you have some great tips in there for my own site. Many ideas flowing there.
    I think l would change the color at the top from that strong pink/magenta as l found it soar on my eyes. Blues Greens and Grey are more gentle on the eyes.
    At least you have a finished looking site, mine is no-where near.

    1. Hi Angela,
      Thank you for your insightful comment.
      I am glad that my content catches your attention and you have found some great tips. I am happy to meet you and to have you among my most loyal readers. As for your suggestion about the header color, I’ll take it into account. It will be changed!! Thank you for your time and stay blessed!!!
      All the best!!

  7. Hi Sabastian, thank you for such a motivating and resourceful article. It is filled with knowledge that can empower an individual. I totally enjoyed reading it and gained useful knowledge.

    1. Hi Lovelyn,
      You are welcome!!! I am glad that you find this post motivating, resourceful.
      Thank you for your comment!
      All the best!

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