How To Make Money With Digistore24 – 2 ways to use Digistore24 for profit in 2025

How to make money with Digistore24

Questions I got from my Digistore24 review‘s readers were how to make money with Digistore24?

This is why today, I want to stop by and walk you through the process you can make money from this worldwide affiliate network.

I know many people struggle to make a dime with their offer. And the reason for their struggle is not knowing how to choose the right offer and drive the right audience to their affiliate offer to make sales and commission. They just sign up, choose any crappy offer with a higher commission, drive random traffic at their affiliate links, and when they are not getting leads nor sales they conclude the platform is a scam. Or affiliate marketing didn’t work.

However, affiliate marketing works, and Digistore24 is a legit platform and not a scam.

To help you make money on Digistore, here are the points I will be covering in this guide:

  • What is Digistore24 and how to use it to make money online,
  • How does Digistore24 works,
  • How to pick a product to promote,
  • The ways to promote your offer and make passive income monthly with Digistore.

That being said, let’s move on.

What is Digistore24?

If you have checked out my Digistore24 review, I already detailed this point there.

If you already checked it out, you can then jump into, the next section.

If not, Digistore24 is an affiliate network just like ClickBank where publishers and advertisers can meet themselves and build business relationships.

In fact, it is a place where publishers or affiliates can find advertisers or merchants’ products to promote for a commission. A way for advertisers in return to get their products/services sold. A win-win situation for both.

It is a better alternative to ClickBank and people that can’t create a ClickBank account will find it useful.

How does Digistore24 work?

Like any affiliate network, Digistore24 acts as a middleman between affiliate marketers and advertisers. As I said earlier, it is a place for both to get connected and then partner with each other for the only one purpose: make money.

Affiliate marketers make money by selling advertisers’ products or services. And merchant or advertisers make money through the sales of his products/services affiliate marketers market (sell).

How to use Digistore24 to make money?

As described above, depending on which party of the marketplace you are, you can use Digistore24 to make money online:

1. As an affiliate throughout their marketplace

As an affiliate, getting started is easy like 1,2,3. It is free to sign up and the process is straightforward. Once you signed up, you can request to promote any product you want. The approval is immediate. Just a few clicks on your mouse and you have your affiliate link ready for use. Just send traffic at it, and start watching in your dashboard the metric such as numbers of clicks, sales, and commission you qualify for.

We will see in detail how to make money with Digistore24 as an affiliate very soon!

So hold on with me till the end of my guide on how to make money with Digistore24.

2. As an advertiser or vendor

If you are a vendor or product owner, you can use Digistore24 as an eCommerce platform to sell your product and make more sales.

Getting started with Digistore24 as a product owner or advertiser is easy and there is no upfront fee.

What you need is to list your product and the platform will take care of all the checkout and e-commerce parts, as well as offering an affiliate program for it.

In fact, unlike ClickBank that charges you a $49.95 one-time activation fee, sale, and payment processing fee, D24 just charges a 7.9% + $1 of each sale.

Why Digistore24 is a better ClickBank alternative for affiliates?

First off, ClickBank is a download or digital product selling platform.
Here are the benefits you get for joining this platform:

  • Sign up process is straightforward and free.
  • Affiliate application approval is immediate.
  • Unlike ClickBank, Digistore24 is a worldwide company.
  • Products are structured by category making your product selection easy and quickly.
  • Possibility to get paid directly to your Bank account, by Check, or through Paypal. That makes it the best choice for affiliate marketers in countries that do not support Paypal
  • Possibility to get paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  • It offers a low payout threshold ($50 for monthly payment option).
  • Commission rate ranges from 15% – 90%.

my guide won’t be complete if I didn’t show you how to sign up with Digistore24.


How to sign up with Digistore24?

To get started with Digistore24, you just need to click on the sign-up link here.

You will see a form like the one below.

Digistore24 Sign up form

Just fill out the form and hit the “Register for free now” button and you are ready to go.

Let’s now move on to find out how to make money on Digistore24.

How to make money with Digistore24 in 2025 as an affiliate? (Step by step guide)

As explained in the beginning, if you are not making money on Digistore24, it doesn’t mean the platform sucks.

It means you don’t have the required skills to make it work for you. Truth is, many people are making money using the platform.

How do they do? This is what I will show you in this guide on how to make money on Digistore24 in 2025.

First off, affiliate marketing is about recommending a product or service to someone who may be interested in that product/service.

And you need to meet 2 requirements in order to be able to make money with your affiliate marketing business:

  • Requirement #1: you need to send targeted traffic to your offer. That will help you generate leads for your business

If you sell cakes to someone who is thirsty, don’t be surprised by the results you get.

  • Requirement #2: you need to build the “know- like – trust” factor with your leads.

And these days people are aware. So copy-pasting your link here and there and across the web can’t lead you to make sales.

You need to provide value to your targeted audience (customers).

To get at this stage, make sure you follow the 3 steps below:

Step #1. Choose a niche

The first step if you want to build a profitable business with Digistore 24 as an affiliate is to decide who to work with. In other words, choose a niche.

It can be a subject or something you are passionate about.
It can also be an area in which you have more experience or talent.

The choice of a niche is very important.

In fact, if you try to cater to everyone your overall marketing and message won’t speak to anyone

It also helps you to know who your ideal client is (their needs and struggle) and the choice of the products to promote.

When we go ahead with our guide you will understand why it is important to choose a niche or a topic/area that you have experience or passion in.

Step #2. Choose a winning product to promote

One of the mistakes that many beginners make is to think that choosing any product with a higher commission rate is enough to build an affiliate marketing business.

However, choosing the right product to promote on D24 is extremely important.

if you want to be successful in your affiliate marketing business with Digistore24 or any affiliate network, you need to:

  • Choose a solid product that your audience or customers want and will benefit from.
  • Choose a product with a high converting sale page that sells itself.

No matter how good you are at promoting if you drive traffic to a sales page that doesn’t sell, you will not make much money.

Since we are talking about how to make money with Digistore24, let me show you how to pick the right product to promote.

First off, log into your account and then go to the Digistore24 marketplace.

You will see a page like this below.

How to man money with Digistore24 - products

Products are grouped by category and if you followed the above step, what you need to do is to choose the category related to your niche to pick the right product to promote to your audience.

I am in the Make Money Online (MMO) niche. So I clicked on the internet marketing & E-business category.

And what I like with D24 is that they classed product by sale rank: overall rank and rank based on the category.

Just take a look at the image below.

This product below rank #1 in the internet marketing & E-business category and #3 in all products.

Digistore24 marketplace's products


How to pick the right product on Digistore to promote?

Choosing the right offer is a big part of knowing how to make money on Digistore. Here are the things we look for when it comes to choosing the right product to promote:

  • product with a well-optimized sale page,
  • Product with at least 40% commission,
  • Product with a high conversion rate (look at the cart conversion rate),
  • Product with low cancellation rate,
  • Products with good reviews and testimonials,
  • Low-cost initial offer with upsells (not mandatory).

Another area to look for is if it is a recurring commission or not.

Preferentially, I prefer a product with a recurring commission.

Thankfully you can know that by using the D24 filter feature (take a look at ht image above – in the billing type).

Step #3. Start promoting your offers

Choosing the profitable niche and the right product is winning half of the battle of making your affiliate marketing business successful.

In fact, traffic is the lifeblood of your affiliate marketing business.

And without promoting your offer, you won’t get traffic. Without traffic or people visiting your affiliate link, you will not get leads nor sales. So no commission for you either.

But to be honest, bringing-in the traffic is easier said than done… Mainly when it comes to bringing targeted traffic and not just a random and jock traffic that won’t convert.

Trust me or not, it is not just by simply copy-pasting your affiliate link on different channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc that will bring you sales or success.


What is the best way to promote your affiliate offer and make money with affiliate marketing in 2025?

When it comes to driving traffic into your offer, you have 2 ways:

Free traffic: As its name suggests, it is a way to promote your offer using free traffic. So you don’t need to spend a dime to send traffic to your offer. This is a way for you to learn how to make money with Digistore for free.

But keep in mind it takes time to yield results based on the marketing strategy you will adopt for your affiliate marketing business.

Paid traffic: As its name suggests, it is a way to promote your affiliate offer using paid traffic by running paid ads on Facebook, Google, Bing, or Youtube. Or by buying solo ads with a solo ads network like Udimi.

Unlike the previous one, this promotion strategy is the quickest way to start generating leads and sales.

Although, you should keep in mind that you need a huge advertising budget to run ads campaigns and drive traffic to your offer.

If you have money to spend on ads, this promotion tactic is the quickest way to start learning how to make money on Digistore24 as an affiliate.

For this guide, I will walk you through the process of building a long-term and profitable affiliate marketing business through free traffic sources.

Not by copy-pasting your link on social media platforms or spamming your friends, but by attracting your ideal customer and providing value to them.

I mean blogging (the acquiring stage)+ email marketing (the nurturing stage).


1. Create your affiliate marketing website or blog to attract your audience (the leads acquisition)

There are many free traffic sources you can use to drive traffic to your Digistore24 affiliate link such as Blogging, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

But among all these traffic sources and marketing strategy going on, the one that stands out to be the most efficient way of generating sustainable income is blogging.

In fact, with a blog, you can attract your targeted audience throughout content marketing by optimizing your blog posts for search engines.

That way you can:

  • Drive organic traffic (free traffic) into your site,
  • Attract their attention,
  • Increase your brand awareness or credibility, and then,
  • Generate more leads and sales for your business.

And the best part, the start-up cost is relatively low. With a company like Bluehost, you can start your blog and get it rolling with under $100 for the whole year.

Most beginners make the mistake of starting their blog with a free platform like blogger,, Wix, etc. To be honest, a free blog can’t help you make money with affiliate marketing.

Put yourself into your audience’s shoes, would you buy a product from a blog like this

Check out this step by step guide on how to create a money-making website in 2025.

2. Use email marketing to provide more value to your audience (the leads nurturing stage)

Once your site starts getting traffic, it is time to start building a mailing list.

A rocky mistake most people make is sending visitors directly to their merchant’s sale page.

Instead of driving traffic to a sale page once and then not having the chance to see those visitors again, try to get their email address!

That way you can follow them up and remind them about your offer, try to convince them in case they didn’t buy.

So here is what you need to start with affiliate marketing:

An opt-in or capture page: that can be a landing page (required if you don’t have a site), a pop-up, or a squeeze page. That is what you will use to capture visitors’ email addresses.

A lead magnet: In order to increase your conversion rate, you need to use a lead magnet on your opt-in page. It can be an eBook, a mini-course, a gift card or discount, etc. That will entice them to give you their email address in exchange for your free offer.

And even if you don’t have the time to write your own eBook, you can get a lead magnet on PLR sites like IndigitalWork or FreebieSunday to use with your opt-in page.

Take a look at the image below.

Lead magnet

An autoresponder or email marketing tool: You also need an autoresponder or email marketing tool: This is a software that will help you create email campaigns to send to your subscribers automatically. using advanced features like tags, automation, workflow to understand better their behavior and then send relevant messages to them.

There are countless email marketing tools out there and most allow you to create opt-in pages, landing pages and do email marketing.

But if you are just starting out, I recommend you go with Aweber. This email marketing tool is what I use myself and even their free plan offers features you won’t get free elsewhere. Plus even if you don’t have a blog or a website it allows you to get a shared link to the opt-in page. Not to mention they offer a landing page builder too.

You can read my Aweber review for 2025 to find out what this tool can help you grow your business.

Other tools you can check out are:

Getresponse (30-days free trial and a bit cheaper than Aweber) – Great for marketers who want a rich-features email marketing tool. This is an all-in-one marketing tool that allows you to start and grow any online business. A better ClickFunnel alternative.

Related post: Top best email marketing tools for 2025 (free and paid).

Step #4. Make money on Digistore24 – rewarding time

If you have followed step 1 to step 3 carefully, you have now your affiliate marketing business rolling and generating lead and affiliate sales for you.

It is the stage where your hard work starts to pay off. What you have to do is to scale your business, diversify your source of income to make more money.

Final thoughts…

Digistore24 is an affiliate network that is growing day after day and a great place to start if your country is blacklisted by ClickBank.

Learning how to make money on this platform is one the biggest part of your affiliate marketing success.

That will help you avoid some pitfalls and acquire new marketing strategies to promote your offers to your audience and make a commission.

However, if you want to be a successful affiliate marketing, I suggest you enroll in an affiliate marketing training course that will lay down your path to success.

Here below is what I recommend based on marketing strategy and the time frame you want to start seeing results:

Wealthy Affiliate for starting and growing an affiliate marketing business from scratch through SEO (website). Training and tools offered! The slowest way but does not require so much money.

Super Affiliate System 3.0 for starting and growing an affiliate marketing business from scratch through paid advertising – The quickest way but required a lot of money.

The difference between successful affiliate marketers and those who fail to make a dime is their mindset and the way they market their offers -skills.

That being said, I hope you found my guide on how to make money with Digistore24 helpful.

Do you have a question or experience to share? Let me know in the comment section.


To your success!


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2 thoughts on “How To Make Money With Digistore24 – 2 ways to use Digistore24 for profit in 2025”

  1. Hello Sebastian my name is Jack, I am a beginner in affiliate marketing, still learning the ropes, I have been trying to make money online but always fail and the problem is I have been doing this business the wrong way, thanks to your tutorials, and I really want to learn more from you, if you have time to teach me how to promote other people’s product online thank you.

    1. Hi, Jack
      You are most welcome.

      Yeah, it is not easy when you are starting out. But know the today expert has been a beginner some days.

      Just to say to keep up the learning process.

      I will contact you ASAP.
      Thank you for stopping by.

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