Local Marketing Vault Review [2025]: Scam or Legit Way To Make Money Online?

Local Marketing Vault Review

Looking for an honest and unbiased Local Marketing Vault review to make an informed decision?

Wondering if James Bonadies and Jason Mckim LVM course is a scam or legit?

If yes, you are in the right place.

In case, it is your first time on my website, I am Sebastian. A journalist by day and a side blogger by night.

I have created this website to help people avoid scams and underdelivered products and in the meantime share with them what worked for me so that they can also follow in my footstep and make money online.

In this LMV review,…

I will cover the following points to help you make an informed decision:

What is Local Marketing Vault about?
Who are the owners and their business track record,
What is the cost of the Local Marketing Vault course?
What do you get for your money?
Who is the course for?
The pros and cons, alternatives, and my final point of view.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Local Marketing Vault Review Summary – Company Overview

If you are looking to make a quick decision, look at the company overview below and our quick opinion about the company.

Company name: Local Marketing Vault
Products/services: lead generation course and coaching program
Owners: James Bonadies and Jason Mckim
Price: $3000 to $7000.
Website: www.localmarketingvault.com
Sow Your Seed Today Rating: 6/10
Do I Recommend This? Not for beginners

Review Summary

Local Marketing Vault is a lead generation training and coaching program designed by 2 successful online entrepreneurs James Bonadies and Jason Mckim. Inside the program they teach you how to generate leads with paid ads and then sell your leads to local businesses for cash. The course cost is not disclosed but people are reporting the owner is asking $3000 to $7000. In my opinion, building a lead generation agency is not meant for starters and beginners who are not familiar with online marketing. That being said, if you are a beginner, consider the option below.

What is Local Marketing Vault about?

Local Marketing Vault is a lead generation training and coaching program designed by 2 successful online entrepreneurs James Bonadies and Jason Mckim.

Just like the Job Killing program, the LMV is a lead generation program.

But unlike the JK where the owner teaches you how to use SEO to generate leads and then rent it out to local businesses, Bonadies’s LMV program teaches you how to use paid ads to generate leads for local business owners.

The training course covers subjects such as:

  • Paid ads like Facebook and Messenger ads, PPC, etc,
  • Lead generation,
  • Marketing and sales strategies, and
  • Weekly calls.

It is a good program for those who want to learn how to generate leads for small and medium business owners and get paid for it.

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Who are James Bonadies and Jason Mckim

James Bonadies and Jason Mckim are the owners of the Local Marketing Vault program.

Both have worked as employees in the 9 to 5 traditional jobs and found that this lifestyle is not what they wanted.

So they started to look for ways to make money online.

James Bonadies, after completing his MBA in Administration & Supervision, worked in the education field before getting started in the online world in 2014.

Jason McKim has been working as a military man and then transitioned into the financial planning industry.

In the online space, he has experience in eCommerce and dropshipping.

The experience each developed over the years helped them to build marketing and lead generation skills – what they are sharing with people throughout the Local Marketing Vault program.

Unlike certain courses I have reviewed where the creators don’t have a social presence, the LMV owners have social proof.

They have thousands of followers and fans on certain social media platforms.

How much does the Local Marketing Vault cost?

The Local Marketing Vault costs $3000 and the price can go up to $7000.

This is another high-ticket program among several high-ticket products.

But the cost is not a problem if you get value for the money you have invested.

If you pull out $3000 or $7000 on the program and after that, you generate $2k monthly.

In 2 or 4 months, your training course expenses were covered.


But how long it takes to get a $2k monthly income for a lead generation service?

You will be using paid ads. So you will not wait for months to generate leads as you can set up an ad campaign and reach thousands of people with a few clicks of your mouse.

But the heck is that you need first to pitch businesses and get clients before you expect to get paid for the lead generation service you offer.

In short, it is not a get-quick scheme.

It is a real business where you are required to provide value to your customers if you want them to still rely on your service.

Is it all you need to get started with the LMV program?

The straightforward answer is no because we are talking about running paid ads to generate leads.

That requires a huge advertising budget but also marketing tools like Getreponse, Systeme.io, ClickFunnels, etc.

I know they claim there is no start-up cost. But this is because in some cases the business owner is the one that will be the one to endorse the advertising fee.

But you still need a third-party tool to generate leads.

And a tool like ClickFunnels will cost you at least $97 per month.

Also, know that it is not every client that will be ready to endorse the advertising cost.

For me, this claim is just a marketing tactic to get you in.

Also, read Tube Mastery and Monetization review.

What do you get for your money?

As I have said at the beginning of this Local Marketing Vault review, it is an online course with a coaching program.

So what you pay to get access is a lead generation course and coaching program.

And here is what you get:

LMV’s core training includes:

  • Clients pitching strategies,
  • PPC 101 training,
  • Facebook ads 101 training,
  • Landing page and funnel building training,
  • Automation training.

With the core training, you will know how to build a local lead generation business and make money online by selling your service to local businesses.

Plus you get access to their private Facebook group where you can network with like-minded and get your questions answered.

According to the LMV owners, they have another private Facebook group dedicated to people who reached the $10k per month earning.

Here below is what you will access in the core training:

  • Module 1: Start Here – walkthrough of the LMV training and the mindset behind it.
  • Module 2: How To Get Clients – outbound marketing to help you get clients to sell your service
  • Module 3: The Vault Mindset – a personal development course to help you achieve success.
  • Module 4: Learn Marketing Strategy – a marketing course to help you sell your service to your clients for a profit by following a simple concept called value ladder.
  • Module 5: Get To Know The Vault Services – how to brand yourself, and build a long-term relationship with your clients
  • Module 6: Learn Sales Strategy – Marketing course that teaches you how to convert your prospects into clients by providing value and not being a salesman
  • Module 7: Build Your Agency – a complete course that teaches you how to build your lead generation agency from scratch and open your business legally.
  • Module 8: What’s A “Done For You” Value Ladder – teaches you how to provide a free “Brand Reputation Report”, which is a list of all the reviews that a business has received on Google, Facebook, and other sites.
  • Module 9: Learn Everything About Funnels – teaches you how to build funnels and forms using ClickFunnels and Wufoo.
  • Module 10: Become A Master At Funnel Automation – an email marketing automation course to help you run your business on autopilot.
  • Module 11: Get To Know The Vault Software – a walkthrough of the Vault software
  • Module 12: Become A Facebook Ads Wizard – a Facebook ads course to help you run Facebook paid ads.
  • Module 13: Learn Facebook Messenger Chat Bots – A Facebook Messenger chatbots course to help you build your email list with Facebook Messenger
  • Module 14: Learn Google Ads/PPC – this module teaches you how to run paid ads on Google

On top of these modules you have:

  • Access to case studies,
  • Access to recorded Q&A sessions
  • Access to vault campaigns.

Who is the Local Marketing Vault for?

Local Marketing Vault review

The Local Marketing Vault according to the owners is for everyone – even Beginners who can afford the price.

I admit everyone has been a beginner in something one day.

So I agree with the claim.

But truth be told, this program is for people who already have a background in internet marketing.

The reason is that when you are just starting out in the online world, spending thousands of dollars in a business that requires marketing and even copyrighting skills is too risky in my opinion.

If you have your own online business and you are looking to scale with paid ads or to generate leads for businesses to add extra income to your existing business, this is the perfect course to buy.

But if you are just starting out, I suggest you start with something that is cheaper than that like affiliate marketing.

The affiliate marketing business is beginner-friendly, easy to set up and the start-up cost is relatively low.

The best part, it will help you develop valuable skills such as marketing, copywriting, funnel building, and even lead generation.

When you are making a consistent income and you want to build a local lead generation agency, spending thousands of dollars on a course like this is a no-brainer.

The bottom line is it is a good course where you can learn the required skills from James Bonadies and Jason Mckin and if you are patient it can yield a good income over time.

Though if you are just starting out there is a learning curve.

Local Marketing Vault Pros And Cons

The Pros

The method taught is legit and proven to work,

James Bonadies and Jason Mckin are legit and genuine,

A good rating score from students reporting,

Supportive Facebook private group and live Q&A sessions.

The Cons

The course is too expensive – You won’t find the cost of the product on their website. Make a call and don’t expect to pay less than $3000,

You need to repeat the same thing over and over again to make money,

You need to chase your money with your clients,

The Digital Marketing Agency business is very competitive,

Outbound marketing is the quickest way to reach your audience. But building your brand and authority takes time,

You have to build your brand awareness before businesses trust you and you will need to spend a lot of money on ads for that.

Is Local Marketing Vault a scam?

Is Job Local Marketing Vault  a scam

No, Local Marketing Vault is not a scam. It is a legit training course that teaches you how to build a local lead generation business and make money from it.

The training has a good rating from students. That means they are doing great with the program.

The only downside is the hefty price tag.

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Is there an alternative to the Local Marketing Vault?

Yes, there are several programs that teach the same strategy out there.

Some teach SEO and some paid ads like the Local Marketing Vault.

The Job Killing program is one of these programs.

But instead of paid ads, they teach you SEO. And the heck it cost thousands of dollars ($15000).

However, apart from the business model, you can learn SEO for 1000x less than this cost here.

Another alternative is affiliate marketing.

This is not another lead generation program but a business model everyone can do.

Personally, I prefer this business model because:

  • The start-up cost is low,
  • I don’t have to provide customer support which is time-consuming,
  • Possibility to build a passive income and multiple income streams without extra effort,
  • I don’t have the chase clients or chase my money,
  • Easy and quick to set up, and more.

If you want to take the affiliate marketing route, I recommend you can check out this all-in-one Affiliate Marketing program.

You not only get evergreen affiliate marketing training but you also get tools you can use to build your affiliate marketing business without any extra cost.

But How Much Can You Earn with this all-in-one platform?

A 21-year-old student from Wealthy Affiliate was able to earn $100k in just 1 week.

My final thoughts

The Local Marketing Vault is a good program and the owners have a good business background.

Truth be told James makes more money from his course than his lead generation agency.

I believe they know their stuff and the business model is a good business model. But starting a successful agency lead generation business is more difficult than said.

There is a learning curve if you are just starting out.

Plus I found the training is very expensive.

If a lead generation business is what you want to start as an online business and you think this is the perfect course to buy, you can go for it.

Only note that there is a refund policy but it is limited to 72h starting of your purchase.

Also, know that it is not a get-quick scheme.

Go on the Facebook group and find out how many people are part of the 10k Facebook group.

However, the program has been floating around for 4 years.

I don’t say there are no students who don’t make money from it. What I am pointing out here is that it takes time and the claims you can see out there is just marketing tactics.

You need to put the work in, and invest in yourself (money, time, and energy) to see results.

Remember that before your prospects trust you, you need to establish your brand and authority and that will cost you time, money, and consistency.

That being said, I hope you found my Local Marketing Vault review helpful.

Do you have a question?

Drop it in the comment section below.

Are you a Local Marketing Vault student? Or have you been a student? Share your experience with us in the comment section below.


To your success!

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2 thoughts on “Local Marketing Vault Review [2025]: Scam or Legit Way To Make Money Online?”

    1. Hi, Pate
      Sorry to hear that. Have you contacted their support team? If you have logged in a long time maybe they have witched their training to another domain or a new platform. Check their support team for help.
      Thank you for stopping by and wishing you good luck.

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