Looking for an honest and unbiased Easy1up review 2025 to make an informed decicion ?
If yes, you are in the right place.
Easy1Up is one of the MLM companies I knew when I first started my adventure in the MLM industry but I didn’t join it so far for some reasons you will know by the end of this review.
I have seen people joined it, introduced it to me again and again, then over time they gave up.
That make me pondering isn’t it lucrative?
I think so because if I am not wrong, they offer a 100% commission.
There are reason they gave up.
Right ?
Maybe these people are not patient and are looking for a get rich quick scheme. What doesn’t exist in any industry.
I bet the common reason many fail to make money in this industry is the fact they need to recruit along the way and to maintain their team dynamic in order to make a sustainable income. That requires communication skills.
I failed in this industry too. My chance I found very soon this is not for me and I quit to do affiliate marketing.
Is recruiting and maintaining a dynamic team for you? If your answer is yes and you don’t care about the value of a product before promoting it, you will love Easy1Up as they offer a 100% commission.
But before you jump in, take the time to read my Easy1Up review to find out if it worth your time and money.
In order to give you an in-depth overview of the Easy1up platform, I will delve deeper into the following points:
- I will show you what is Easy1Up,
- How does it work,
- The cost to join and what you get from your investment,
- Their compensation plan,
- And finaly I will give you my honest point of view about this program.
I am sure by the end you finish reading my Easy1Up review, you will be able to make an informed decision to shape your future finance.
Without further ado, let’s dive in…
Easy1Up review summary:
Company Name: Easy1up
Owner: Peter Wolfing
Website: https://easy1up.com
Product/service: Internet marketing training
Cost: $25- $2,000 (+ 10% admin fees)
Is Easy1Up a scam or Legit? Legit
Sow Your Seed Today rating: 3/10
Do I recommend this? No (with good reasons)
What is Easy1Up ?
Easy1Up is an older MLM program released by Peter Wolfing in 2007 that claims itself as an educational platform where people can learn how to build their own online business and make money from it.
This is what we can see with their $2000 package.

It is a part of the Profits Passport system reviewed a while ago. And according to what we can find on their website, it seems with their training, you will be able to not only build a thriving online business but also you will be up to date on some of the latest trends in the market and beat your competitors. A way to make profits from your business.

But the meaningful question is that: Is someone able to build a successful online business following their training as they claim? Or they just use it as a selling point or a trick to hide their pyramid scheme?
You will know it by the end of my Easy1Up review.
I’m certain of one thing.
Do your own research you won’t be able to find someone claiming he built his online store, started his own blog, and are successful thanks to their training.
You won’t be able to find someone claiming he is a successful affiliate marketer thanks to their training either. If you found one, he or she is promoting the opportunity (not the product) itself.
Are you one? Tell me in the comment section.
However, This company has been launched in 2007. I have seen people joined it but anyone started a business he owns thanks to the Easy1Up training.
And some even are not able to make money with the system itself by following their training.
Don’t get me wrong – it is, unfortunately, a fact and I am not exaggerating.
Take a look in the image below.

As you can see in the image above, this E1U member testifies that the Easy1Up training is not great. She signed up, gave up, and then resigned up with an alleged guru who deceived him.
This is the truth about this program.
Let’s move into the next section of my Easy1up review to find out how does it work.
How is Peter Wolfing?

Peter Wolfing is known as a successful network marketer. He started his career in this industry back in the early 1980s.
Presented as a business owner, an Amazon best-selling author, and a paid public speaker by the launched Multiplex Systems, Inc. in 1998, A company that develops and provides support services and training products to network marketing companies.
Peter Wolfing launched the Ultimate Cycler in 2014 and other schemes such as Turbo Cycler, Business Toolbox, Infinity 100, National Wealth Center, Pay Me Forward and the one we reviewing right now – Easy 1Up.
It worth mentioning that some of these schemes crashed.
How does Easy1Up work?
Like most alleged legit MLM companies, as a member, you first need to buy the product itself, recruit other people that are required to do the same in order to be able to make money.
With Easy1UP too, you need to subscribe to one of their membership packages and you can only make money by recommending this package to other people.
That means if you buy the Elevation package and you refer someone to the system and he or she buys the Elevation Plus package you can’t get paid.
To be able to make money from all these packages and don’t miss your commission, you need to buy the higher package ($2000).
In this way, you can make a commission for each package your downlines or new recruiter will buy.
You also need to pass on your second sale or if you want your second commission to your upline in order to be able to continue using the program.
This business model, in my book, is called a “pay to play” business model.
Also, read my Profits Passport review
Easy1Up product packages and cost
1. The Elevation membership
The cost for this membership plan is $25 + $5 admin fee and here is what you get :

- A training in lead generation using social media
- What is marketing and how to choose an MLM company, the pros, and cons of MLM, etc
- How to build your email mist
- How to choose a product
It looks good. And you feel like you’ll learn something that will allow you to be successful online.
The truth you will know it once inside.
The required tool here is an email marketing software and the cost for 1000 email list size with Getresponse is $15 per month.
When people tell you it’s a one-time investment, it’s because they’re just promoting the opportunity and not the product. If not you will need extra tools to apply the training.
Plus my concern with the training here is that they pretend to teach you how to choose a network marketing company to join when the system they build themselves has issues.
No veteran internet marketer will recommend E1U as a company to choose for building an online business.
First and foremost, Easy1up is the same as having a job – trading time for dollars. You get paid once per member and receive only one passup per member.
This means that you’ll always have to continue marketing the business, putting in more and more time.
The best opportunity is the one that offers residual income and that shows people how to create a business that provides time and financial freedom in my opinion.
That is what Easy1Up doesn’t offer. So tell me what training they supposed to teach in their training module on how to choose an internet marketing company to join.
2. The Elevation Elite membership
The cost of this membership plan is $100 + 10% admin fee.
You get access to what the Elevation membership offers
Here is what you will learn in this course :

- how to do market research
- How to create your own product and sell it on platform like Udemi
- Copyrighting
- How to use solo ads and Youtube to generate more leads for your business, ect.
Seems like you will learn something valuable here. Right?
I just want you to have a look at the image above. Consider the training modules.
You have noticed they are talking about Pinterest, Facebook, and another module talk about “intro to social media”. My question: isn’t Pinterest and Facebook social media platforms?
Google Plus is also a Google service that doesn’t exist anymore. What they are supposed to teach you there? The truth is – outdated training that won’t help you build a successful online business.
3. The Vertex membership
This membership plan will cost you $250 + 10% admin fee and give you access to level 1 and 2 memberships training materials.
And here is what you get as training materials:

- Education on personal development like developing the right mindset in your business
- List building and email marketing
- Affiliate marketing training and how to create an irresistible offer
4. The Vertex Elite membership

The cost of this training is $500 + 10% admin fee.
- The training you will get is about dropshipping
- Free traffic generation
- You also get access to the training material level 1 to 3.
5. The Vertex Pro Connect membership

- It will cost you $1,000 + a 10% admin fee.
- This course is about Facebook paid advertisements.
- You will also learn how to use other social media, traffic exchange websites to generate more leads and sales.
6. The Vertex Live membership

The Vertex cost $2,000 + 10% admin fee. This membership gives you access to all the training material Easy1Up offers + 2 tickets to a live event.
How much does Easy1Up cost
Easy1Up membership plan price range from $$25 (+20% admin fee) to 2000$ + 10% admin fee.
That means if you choose to start with the Elevator Plus plan that costs $100, you must pay $10 to admin.
I know many people who are willing to join this system will need to know how their compensation works.
So let’s move into my Easy1Up review to find out how their compensation looks like.
Easy1Up compensation plan
Easy 1Up compensation plan is based on a unilevel compensation plan and members make a 100% commission on each new sale. That means members can recruit as many people as they can.
You will receive 100% commission on all sales you make except for every second sale. Your second sale will go to your sponsor as I pointed it out earlier. This is why they call it the ‘reverse 1Up’ system.

But keep in mind before you be able to make such commission you need to purchase one product package first.
And the potential of income you can make is linked to the level of the product you bought. If you buy the basic package and your downlines buy the higher package, you can’t get paid for this sale. Don’t ask me to whom this sale goes.
This is a pay to play business model I don’t like.
But that is not the issue.
That’s not how a legit MLM works.
There are differences when you compare their MLM with legit MLM’s as defined by the FTC.
This how the FTC defines a legit MLM: for instance if you become an MLM company “A” distributor, you don’t have to buy the product packages at a certain level in order to qualify for a commission when someone buy a certain product.
What I mean here is that you become a company “A” distributor and you can then sell and earn money from all the company “A” products.
Plus legit MLM operates in the way money is generated based on the retails products’ affiliate sell and not based on business opportunity or recruiting.
Unfortunately, that is not the case with Easy1Up.
And many companies such as Success by Health, BurnLounge, Inc that operate like Easy1up have been shut down by the FTC.
Do you know why?
Take a look at the image below.

I am not saying the same fate awaits Easy1Up, but they do run a similar business model. And since their primary revenue is through recruitment this is not a business to rely on in my opinion.
I just want to warm you if you are thinking of joining it.
Also, read my Done For you Services System review
Can you really make money with Easy1Up as a beginner?
Theoretically, even if you are a beginner in any industry you can make money online as long as you are ready to learn, persistent, patient, and working hard.
And yes, you can make money with Easy1Up as there are people who are looking for an opportunity to make money online.
But keep in mind it is not because you see people claiming they made $2000 in one day or xxxx dollars in one week, you will be able to make such amount of money like these veterans.
Let me explain to you the truth about these alleged gurus who claim to be top earners, top leaders in Easy1Up, and what’s going on in this industry.
I just want to really open your eyes so that you can make a wise decision with any opportunity that will be presented to you in the further.
And I know a lot of people will say, this review is a horrible review. lol
Yes, call it as you want.
I am a bit bitter because there are a lot of false advertisings, people setting high expectations for people, and unrealistic marketing going on.
And this the reason I stopped by to make this Easy1Up review.
But the truth is those who are claiming they made xxx dollars in one day, xxx dollars in one week, etc are veterans in the industry. They have 5 to 10 years in the industry, and they’ve many followers.
And the reason why they have those kinds of sales is that they’ve been in the industry for a long time and they’ve many followers that follow them from this company to another one.
A lot of times these people are newbies and they end up making crumbs and that is enough for them.
I’m not calling the Easy1Up system itself a scam. But some of the people out there marketing it are scammers that don’t care about your hard-earned cash.
Don’t join before you watch this video that teaches you how to spot any pyramid scheme.
Is Easy1Up a scam?
So Easy1Up is not a scam per se.
I do believe a significant amount of effort by Peter Wolfing into creating valuable courses. But this is not a business I recommend for the reasons I pointed out in this review.
It worth pointing out there is no refund policy. And in my opinion, they are not transparent with customers. ?

Plus any information about their product packages to help people choose the one that suits their needs. How much they can get in each package is only the guide for members here.
Easy1Up Review 2020: The Pros and Cons
Easy1Up Review 2020: The Pros
✔ You can start using Newbies On Fire with just $25.
✔ All the courses require one-time payments only.
✔ The owner has a good track record in the industry
✔ 100% Commissions
✔ Immediat payouts
Easy1Up Review 2020: The Cons
❌ A pay to play business model I don’t like.
❌ A similar to other pyramid scheme type businesses shut down by the FTC.
❌ There is no refund policy
❌ You need to market the same product in order to earn money
❌ Their training can’t help you build a long term online business
My honest and humble advice to you if you really want to build a successful online business
First off, choose a company that will really teach you how to be real entrepreneurs and that show you how to ethically and honestly create a home-based business for yourself and be successful for years to come.
Stop jumping an opportunity to opportunity or chasing shiny objects.
Instead of going here and there build a firm foundation in one business that can make you passive income and make sure this one business is profitable first before you look at other things.
Once again Easy one up is not a scam as they offer products in the backend. But people make it to be a scam as they are selling the opportunity and not the products.
Plus the products itself don’t worth the price attached to it.
If you’re part of Easy1Up that’s fine.
If you want to join Easy1Up because someone income claims check out some of these people in their income claims, look at their history, Youtube, Facebook, websites (if they have).
Chances are they’ve done this in other companies, have earned in the same money that they keep talking about. And their strategy you know, it’s all about the next new shiny object, they want you to join. This is the way they fill their pockets.
I know people will probably be upset with this review but that’s fine.
I have the right to express my opinion.
Before I end my Easy1Up review of 2020, I want to answer most questions people may be asking.
My Easy1Up FAQ
What is Easy1Up?
Easy1Up is an MLM company that intends to educate people on how to build their own online business and make money online. But when we have a close look at how their training is structured, everything suggests that this training is used as a selling point and trick to avoid their Pyramid scheme.
How does Easy1Up work?
E1U works as any MLM business. You first need to buy the product itself in order to qualify for commission. But here their compensation plan is a bit different from the traditional system. Because they use a uni-level and “1 reverse” compensation system. That means you can recruit as many as you can but your second sale must be allocated to your sponsor or upline.
How much Easy1Up cost?
Easy1Up doesn’t offer a free trial. The cost to join E1U is at least $30 (admin fee included). But their product package cost goes up to $2000 + a 10% admin fee.
Can you get your money if you are not satisfied with the product package you bought?
No. Unfortunately, there is no refund policy. Your money goes directly into the pocket of your upline pocket. So no way to get it back.
How many levels does Easy1Up offer?
Easy1Up has 5 levels. It ranges from Elevation to Vertex Live.
Who is the founder of Easy1up?
Peter Wolfing is the owner of Easy1up. He is also the man behind Multiplex System and many other schemes like E1U.
Up to you…
I hope you found my Easy1Up review 2020 helpful.
From now you know what is Easy1Up if it is your first time you hear about it, you know how it works, their cost and compensation plan.
And the best part you are in a good position to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision.
If Easy1Up is not your first rodeo make, sure you check out my top recommended program.
You will get not only an evergreen affiliate marketing training but also coaching and high-quality tools to build your online business.
This is the platform that helped me build this website and thanks to it I managed to add a 3 digit recurring and passive income to my day job salary.
Have you been Easy1Up member (or a member), share your experience and thoughts about it with me.
Do you have a question, drop it down in the comment section and I will respond to you ASAP.
Sharing is caring! Don’t hesitate to share my Easy1Up review of 2025 with your friends by clicking on the share buttons below. They will thank you for letting them Know.
To your success.

Somebody introduce E1U to me last week and sent me a video on how it works. so I went online to find out more about the business, hence your review I found today…. thanks. Please can you show some profitable business I can build? Since easy1up is out…..
Hi, Felix
You are most welcome!
If you are looking for a legit and genuine way to make money online, I suggest you check out this platform.
This platform has changed thousands of people’s lives (me included).
Thank you for stopping by.
You did a great job ! I believe that this is the information that can’t be find on the web easily and you decided to share it with others for free, that’s really great!
I didn’t know much about Easy 1 Up but I’ve been always interested to know more about it and your comprehensive guide helped me a lot. I don’t know if you wrote this post 100% by yourself or got help from other sources as well, anyway, it has really brilliant information which convinced me to share it with my friends on social networks.
I think, the Internet needs more quality posts like yours these days, especially when we see a lot of crappy ads and scams about this topic. You can’t read a post easily on a website without seeing tons popups but your site and post is an ideal example of a quality article which is not covered by annoying ads, has very useful information and lets readers enjoy reading every piece of it.
Thank you again and I wish you continue providing such that quality information in the future which turn the Internet and blogs into a better place to surf!
Hi, Ali
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words.
Glad you found my website useful and this post helpful.
It is my pleasure.
And yes, at this time I don’t outsource for content writing. Despite my language barrier, I write my content myself.
Thank you so much boss
I am so pleased that I decided to do a little research before getting hoped into the sales pitch of this MLM. It is so difficult to know who you can trust online and therefore I am so grateful of people like you who spend time writing these reviews, thank you.
Can I ask, how long does it take to get started doing this online business?
Thank you for stopping by, Catherine.
Glad you found my review helpful.
As for your question, sorry I didn’t understand it.
I don’t think easy1up is for me been scammed been there done that. Your review reminds me how and what made me join Wealthy Affiliate. I was working on a scam when I caught wind of a review of what I was working on, and the shiniest light ever opened my eye of how in the dark. I had been about what I was working on That the day I removed my info from that website and joined the WA website, that was in nov 2019. I like that you are doing reviews on scammers so people will not fall victim like many of us have. Great website.
Hi, Miriam
Thank you for stopping.
Glad you found my review helpful and sorry if you, too, have fallen into the traps of the scammers.
We’ve all at least been victims of those kinds of scams.
And it’s part of our journey.
I’m glad you found the legit platform that meets your expectations.
As a member of WA too, my journey so far has been full of very rewarding experiences.
This is a detailed and thorough review. This is the first time I have heard of Easy1Up and find it very interesting. I particularly enjoyed reading your views on how to build a successful online business. I cannot agree more with the fact that there is the need to choose a company that can educate you on how to become a successful entrepreneur. I feel a lot of companies nowadays are not honest in what to expect when you start a business – just because they want to ‘sell’. We do need to weigh up the pros and cons offered by these companies and make an informed decision at all times.
Hi, Ekufaa
Thank you for stopping by.
I don’t know by which post you landed on my website when you say it is your first time you hear about Easy1UP but I appreciate you took the time to leave me a comment.
Easy1Up has been online since 2007 and it is up to each one to weight the pros and cons before you jump in.