How To Market A Product Online In 2025: 3 Effective Ways To Sell Your Products Online

How to market a product online

Do you want to sell your affiliate products or your own products online?
But you don’t know how to efficiently market your products online?

Discover in this mini-guide on how to market a product online, 3 efficient ways to make your first sales on the internet.

Here below is what I will be covering in this guide.


Before we dive in, let’s see the benefits of marketing your products or affiliate offers online.

Why sell your products on the internet?

There are many advantages to turning to the web as an entrepreneur or business owner.
Whether it’s a small or large business.

Indeed, building your online presence offers you the following advantages:

  • The possibility to reach a large audience because there is no geographical barrier,
  • The possibility to increase your visibility,
  • The possibility to increase your brand awareness,
  • The opportunity to boost sales and make your business more profitable, etc.

Now that you know the benefits of building your online presence, let’s get into the gifty nifty of how to market a product online efficiently.

How to market a product online: 3 effective ways to boost your sales

1. Create a blog or a website

Many have already understood this. But some people don’t know that blogging is the best way to not only give more visibility to their brand but also to boost their revenue.

Indeed, a website or a blog allows you to attract your potential customers to your blog, build and maintain a trust relationship with them and convert them into lifetime buyers through well-targeted keywords.

Your blog or website can also be used to showcase your products and services to your buyers.

In case you want to sell your own products or services, you simply need to create a WordPress site and install the Woocommerce plugin that will allow you to simply display your products to your readers and allow them to make payments directly from your WordPress website.

But if it’s just affiliate marketing you want to do, you don’t need this plugin. Unless you want to add your own products alongside it.

PS: Be aware that you can do affiliate marketing while selling your own products. As long as the affiliate products are complementary to what you sell and vice versa.

Learn how to start your own blog even if you are on a budget.

2. Start e-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is also a way to market your affiliate products or your products online or on the internet.

You have certainly heard million times that “the money is on the list”.

This is not a nonsense statement. Because according to the DMA, for 1$ spent on email marketing, you can expect $42 in return.

So if you are an affiliate marketer or you sell your own products, not building a mailing list would be a big mistake.

And to get started it’s simple.

You just need:

  • A landing page or squeeze page on which you will send your visitors,
  • A lead magnet that could motivate your visitors to exchange their email addresses for it. It can be an eBook, a gift card, a case study, a mini online course, etc.
  • An email marketing tool that will allow you not only to send messages to your subscribers but also to automate the sending of these messages.

You have tools such as Getresponse, SendinBlue, Aweber,, etc. that will allow you not only to create your capture pages or landing pages but also to send messages to your subscribers.

Let’s continue with the next way on how to market your products or services online.

3. Create a YouTube channel

YouTube is the second search engine after Google.

Even though I know that this platform is not your property and you can be banned at any time (especially if you violate their rules), it is still a way to promote your products online or on the internet.

Just like blogging, you can easily develop a large audience around your brand and thus boost your sales and revenue.


Unlike a platform like Facebook, your publications have more visibility.

Indeed, a published video can drive traffic for years. Whereas on Facebook, the lifespan of your publication is a maximum of one week.

And to get started with YouTube marketing,…

All you need to start it is an email address to create your account, set up and design your channel and you’re ready to go.

Also, read how to build a niche site.

Where to find products to sell as an affiliate

If you don’t have your own product to sell online, here is where you can find products or services:

You can join affiliate networks such as Amazon, and eBay (for physical products) or, Digistore24, ClickBank, JVZoo for digital products.


Go with a stand-alone affiliate program.

In this case, you just need to type your niche name + affiliate program on Google and then hit the search button.

Google will bring all the affiliate programs related to this niche to you.

Here is an example of the organic skin care niche.

When I tape organic skin care affiliate programs on Google, I got the results below.

Skin care affiliate program scree

As you can there are even some blog posts about companies that offer affiliate programs in this niche. You just have to check them out and choose the affiliate program that fits your need to join.

Now, let me show you a sales-boosting secret you can use to increase your revenue no matters if you are selling your own products or other people’s products for a commission (affiliate marketing).

The secret to boosting your sales online

In this mini-guide on how to sell a product online, I want to also show you the best way you can be increasing your revenue with just a little extra effort.

To increase the conversion rate and then boost your revenue, you can combine email marketing with blogging or email marketing with Youtube marketing.


Combine the 3 methods together. This is exactly how smart business owners do.

So instead of sending people directly to your affiliate link or sale page, use a squeeze page to get their email first and then send them to your affiliate link or sale page. In this way, if they didn’t buy the product you have the chance to follow them up with email sequences.

To give you an overview of what I mean take a look at the image below.

How to market a product online - the smartest way

To help you understand the process, let me explain a bit the image above.

  • 1. Attraction stage: you need to create SEO-friendly content for your website or/and YouTube channel that will drive traffic on it.
  • 2. Lead acquisition stage: You need to use an opt-in page to get your website visitors’ email addresses. And that get their address, you can send them to your affiliate link or sale page after they opted-in or confirm their email address.

If they buy the product at this stage, you can send them to the thank you page to thank them for the order – entertains a good and long-term relationship with them. If they don’t buy, the stage 3 process starts.

  • 3. Lead nurturing stage: this is where you can use email sequences to build a “know like trust factor and then convince them to buy your offer later by building a “know like trust” factor.

Also, read how to build a successful eCommerce store with WordPress.


Learning how to market a product online is very important if you want to build a striving and profitable online business.

Building an online presence for your physical business is also vital if you want it to succeed in this competitive world.

And here are proven and effective ways to sell your products or other people’s products or services online:

  • Start a YouTube Channel that will help you reach a large audience and then, use, or
  • Start email marketing to build a trust relationship with your audience and convert them into lifetime buyers.

If so far you don’t know how to market a product online or on the internet, now you are in a good position to start with internet marketing.

That being said, I think you found this article useful.

If so, feel free to leave us a comment and share it with your friends.

Do you have a question? Drop it below in the comment section, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.


To your success!


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