How to Use Traffic Exchange Sites more effectively to make money online in 2024?

How to Use traffic exchange sites to make money

You don’t like blogging? Or maybe you are part of those who think that you need to be a good writer to succeed in blogging. You hate it! That is not for me, you said!

But you want eyeballs on your offer or affiliate links. You need traffic to sell your products or services.

You have opted for free traffic exchange sites. But it is like no one is checking your links. No sales, no commission at the end of the day.

However, you are spending either your valuable time or your money to get those clicks. You are discouraged, sick, and maybe at the point to throw in the towel.

Is that familiar to you?

If yes, you are in the right place as I will be showing you how to use traffic exchange sites more effectively to make money online.

Without further ado, let’s jump in.

How to use traffic exchange sites to make money online?

1. Take your time to understand the traffic exchange market

Traffic exchange sites generally set a time frame for users to surf – except for certain traffic exchange sites like LeadsLeap. And people who use these kinds of platforms are looking to visit as many sites as they can in order to get a lot of visitors on their own links.

That means users won’t waste their time reading a long sale page or a blog post.

So before you set up a campaign to advertise your business, take the time to understand how the platform you are using works.

Is there a time frame

Wondering how much it costs to start your own professional blog? Check out this post.

2. Figure out who use the platform and what they promote

The first step to setting up a winning campaign is to first learn how the traffic exchange platform you are using work, who are using the platform, and what they are advertising.

In fact, if you are like me, you are not just looking for clicks, but you are looking for good clicks – targeted traffic to your offer. So taking the time to analyze the audience or users who use the platform is important if you want your ads to resonate with them.

What I mean here is studying and analyzing the offer or ads in the platform. What kind of ads and offers people advertise?

Or what type of ads do you see the most?

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3. Find a good offer to promote – avoid high-ticket products

The next step to make money with traffic exchange sites is to find a good product or service you can promote to your audience and make money.

Instead of promoting crap and low-quality products for the sake of making huge commissions, find a problem-solving product that adds value to customers’ lives to promote.

No matter if you are an affiliate marketer or an internet marketer, if you want to build a long-term and profitable business, you must do your best to provide more value to your audience.

Based on my experience, low-ticket products tend to convert the best. Low ticket products are not under-delivered products. Keep that in mind.

You can also promote 2-tiers affiliate programs like which is free to join. The reason it works is that most people are consistently looking for new products to promote.

One thing I want you to consider is the sale copy. Find a product with a high-converting sale page. Even if the product is a good product and the sale page is not well designed with a good copy it will be difficult to convert your visitors into buyers.

4. Craft a high-converting affiliate marketing funnel to promote your offer

I know this term can be overwhelming if you are new in the email marketing space. But let me explain a bit what I mean here to make things more clear for you.

An affiliate marketing funnel as I define it is a pre-sale funnel designed to generate leads for a specific and then convert those leads into customers or buyers.

It includes:

  • a landing page or squeeze page – that is your pre-sale page where you will be preselling your offer to your visitors. It was built to get people’s emails addresses.
  • email marketing campaigns to nurture your leads, build the “know-like-trust” factor,
  • a sale page – your offer or affiliate link where they can buy the product.

How does it work with traffic exchange sites?

Here is how it works:

  • You create a landing page with a good lead magnet designed to promote a specific product (your affiliate offer),
  • You send visitors on your pre-sale page (landing page) by using your traffic exchange sites,
  • The visitor requests to receive your free offer (lead magnet), for that the visitor has to exchange his contact or email address.
  • You add him into your mailing list, and then redirect him to your affiliate link (merchant’s sale page),
  • They buy the product, you say thank you for the order,…
  • If not, you follow them up with your email campaigns to remain them about your offer.

An image worth 1000 words…

Take a look at the image below.

The best way to do affiliate marketing on traffic exchange site

Now let me show you

Must-read post: How to create a high-converting affiliate marketing sales funnel

Create a landing page or a squeeze page to build your email list – your asset

Instead of sending people directly to your affiliate link, use a landing page or opt-in page to collect visitors’ email addresses and then promote your offer later.

Remember I told you people don’t spend more than 45 seconds watching your ads on traffic exchange sites. Except on LeadsLeap where users are rewarded based on the time they spend watching your ad.

So what you must do in order to get the most out of these platforms is to use a landing page that is not too long and that grabs your audience’s attention to entice them to exchange their email addresses for the information or your free offer.

A landing page with great copy and well-designed in front of your targeted audience will always grab their attention and lead them to take action and join your mailing list.

Take a look at the image below.

How To Use Traffic Exchange Sites More Effectively  -lead capture page

This is not a part of a landing page. It is the whole page you see out there:

  • #1 – This is the header – your attention-grabbing area,
  • #2 – This is the body or the sub-header where you go deeper to pick their interest – show benefits,
  • #3 – This is your Call To Action (CTA) where you tell them to take action.

And you see, when the visitor clicks on the continue button, this is what will happen.

See the image below.

How to make money with traffic exchange sites

This is the opt-in form where the visitor can put his details and get access to your offer.

As you can see using a capture page is more efficient and it can help you make more money with traffic exchange sites than sending people directly to your affiliate link.

Sending people directly to your affiliate link is the wrong way to do affiliate marketing or your internet marketing business and it looks like this. See the image below.

Wrong-way to do affiliate marketing on traffic exchange site

Bear in mind, that people don’t care about your ad.

Related post: How to create an affiliate landing page for affiliate marketing.

What happens when they opt-in?

As I said, after they opted-in you can take them to your affiliate link. But there is another best way to do it.

Instead of sending them directly to your affiliate link, you can use a thank you page and try to push them toward your funnel (recommend them to check out your offer link).

Recommended landing page builder tools:

  • – an all-in-one marketing tool (free and premium plans available). Read my review here for more information or learn how to create a landing page with funnel builder.
  • Leadsleap – an all-in-one advertising platform (free and premium plan available)
  • Getresponse – an all-in-one marketing tool (now free plan available with a premium plan for those who want advanced features).

Set up email series or email campaign to build trust with your subscribers

Generating leads using traffic exchange sites is winning half of the battle of making money with traffic exchange sites.

You need to promote your offer and get sales in order to make commissions.


For that to happen, you have to promote your offer. But it is not by just sending your affiliate link to your subscribers you will make sales.

You need to provide value, make them know you, trust you, and like you or what you do.

This is where email marketing comes in.

Once you have built the “know-like trust” factor with your subscribers, your chance of getting them to buy your offer is higher.

So in your email campaign, some of your emails:

  • must focus on helping your subscribers to know you,
  • must focus on providing value to their lives, this is where they will like and trust you,
  • must focus on showing them the benefits of your offer and the way this can help them solve their problem. This is where you can be closing sales.

If you want to learn more about how you can make money with email marketing, I recommend you check out this course created by a million-dollar start-up owner.

People don’t buy features, they buy solutions to their problems. So instead of focusing your marketing effort on the features, focus on the benefits.

Related posts: How to start with email marketing

How to build an email list for affiliate marketing faster

5. Track and measure your links and campaigns

The next step to making money with traffic exchange sites or using these platforms effectively is to track your campaigns. That includes your landing pages or affiliate links, your ads copy, and also your email campaigns.

The reason is that if you are not tracking your link, you won’t know if you are getting a real click or bot clicks. You won’t know how long people stay on your pages, and how they interact with your ads.

It goes the same with your ad campaigns and even your email campaigns. You need to analyze and measure your ad and email campaign’s performance to find out what is working and what is not working and then adjust them if necessary.

Email marketing is not set-and-forget stuff.

6. Test and test until your find the working formula and don’t quit quickly

Mistakes most people make with traffic exchange is that they join, set up a random ad and when they are not getting results for one or two months, they conclude it is fake and give up.

However, like any platform you have to give it the time it will take.

As I said in the beginning, you must understand first how the traffic exchange marketplace or the one you are using works, study and figure out what kind of products or services people promote, and find a marketing angle that can make your offer stand out from the crowd. I don’t think that can be done in one or two months.

Your first 2 months are the period of testing. Not only your ad copy but also your offer and a lot of other things related to your affiliate marketing funnel.

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How to make money with traffic exchange sites – conclusion

Traffic exchange sites are the fastest way to get eyeballs on your offer or links. But what leads you to sign up with these sites is what leads other users to sign up too.

That means everyone joins to promote his offer and not looking for opportunities to join.

But you can still make the best of these platforms if you promote your business in the smartest way.

So here is how to use traffic exchange sites effectively to make money online:

Understand how the traffic exchange you are using works,

Study and analyze your audience and what other users promote,

Find a good product to promote – 2 tiers affiliate program tends to convert better.

You can join the affiliate program (50% and 5% on your customers’ sales) – just create your free account or Groovefunnels (high ticket – so not advisable for traffic exchange sites).

Create a landing page to capture build your email list, and

use email marketing to torture your leads, and then convert those leads into lifetime buyers.

That is all…

Hope you enjoy this guide.

Do you have a question? Let me know in the comment section.

Related posts: Best free traffic exchange sites for 2022 – the first one is our favored and top recommended.

How to generate leads on Facebook for free for your business.

How to drive traffic to your website


To your success!


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