Networkers List Review: Is Networkerslist a scam or legit?

Honest Networkers List review

When you heard about an opportunity or a program for the first time, the first thing to do is to seek for review of such a program so that you can be informed before you make a decision.

If you have been introduced to the NetworkersList MLM program and you are looking for an honest and unbiased Networkers List review you are in the right place.

In this review, I will be covering the following points:

  • What is Networkers List or NetworkersList about?
  • What products or services it offers,
  • How much does it cost?
  • The compensation breakdown,
  • The pros and cons and my final and honest point of view.

But before we dive in, let me congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before you buy any seemingly legit product.

That will not only save you time and money but it can be a great way to find a legit and genuine way to make real money online.

Networkers List review summary: product overview

Product Name: Networkers List

Owner: Unkown


Is NetworkersList a scam? NO


Do I recommend this? NO

What is Networkers List?

Networkers List Review - home page

NetworkersList is an MLM and advertising platform designed for networkers who are struggling to get leads for their MLM business. It is also a downline builder and a list building program because you can mail to other members by using the mailer feature. This is a promotional tool you can use to promote your affiliate offers to the Networkers List users.

The problem with such an advertising method is that everyone joins the program to promote his own program or products. That means they are not opportunity seekers.

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What products or services does the Networkers List offers to users?

According to the Networkers List owner (unknown), the platform offers advertising credits to users they can use to advertise to other users.

So it is insiders promoting to insiders. It is marketers promoting to other marketers.

We have such a program booming these recent years and the reason is that more and more people are turning to the online world. Most people don’t know how to generate traffic nor leads for their online business.

But is a viral mailer a solution? Is getting your offer to unqualified prospects a solution?

Maybe you will be able to get leads for your business. But in order to convert these leads into buyers, it will not be easy. Because most of them are internet marketers who are looking to promote their offer.

The platform doesn’t attract opportunities seekers users reach out and then generate qualified leads for their business.

I have reviewed over 100 MLM and only one of them grabbed my attention. Not because of its generous compensation plan but it walks its talk.

The platform attracts people who want to advertise their business. So it is advertisers promoting to advertisers. Who will buy your program?

I guess most join this program not because they think they will be able to generate leads for their existing business but because they can recruit other advertisers to the program and then make money from the program itself.

Isn’t what interests you the most in this program too?

The opportunity to make passive income by recruiting other members?

However, there are countless ways and legit programs out there where you can make passive income by promoting valuable products or services to people.

How much does it cost?

The Networkers List MLM program cost a $20 monthly fee. That means every month you have to pay $20 to remain active and qualify for a commission.

That is exactly what they say in the FAQ tab. We judge the man by his own word! Based on that it seems they emphasize recruiting and not the product. Yes, this rule is to maintain people active.

I guess if the program is a good program and people can really generate leads and benefit from it as they claim, why such question in the FAQ? FAQ or Frequently Asked Question according to Wikipedia are common questions that tend to recur.

Let’s now move into the next section of my Networkers list review to find out if this program worth your money or not.

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Is this program worth it?

I don’t know about you. For me, this program doesn’t worth my money. I don’t see why I need to invest such money in this program. To get advertising credit that will not generate qualified prospects for my business? Or for the sake of passive income the website promise throughout their MLM program?

I prefer to invest such money in something that offers more value to my business such as training to acquire advanced marketing skills or in tools such as web hosting to create my own website that will generate qualified prospects for free for me in the long run.

For example, with a website, the traffic you will be driving into your website is targeted traffic. That means people who likely are interested to buy your offer. Plus you can build multiples streams and passive income on autopilot.

Yeah, it is a long term process. But it worth it because once you get traffic, you have a business ready to generate income month after month for you.

If this is what you need and you found this program worth your money, then let’s get into the next section of my NetworkersList review where I will break down their compensation plan for you.

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Is Networkerslist a scam?

Is Networkerslist a scam

The straightforward answer is no. Networker List is not a scam per se, but this is a program I don’t recommend for the reasons mentioned above.

If you don’t care about the quality of the service provided and can recruit paid members, you will get paid (if you remain a paid member as well).

Also, you get credit for your monthly subscription. So you get something in return of your money. Only it doesn’t worth it in my opinion.

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NetworkersList’s compensation plan

NetworkersList comes with 2 up powerplay with each payline to infinity and that down to 10 levels deep. That means you need to pass 2 sales to your referrer. You also can recruit as much as you can in your first level. Your referrals

It sounds good. Right?

Contrary to Easy1up where you just pass up 1 sale to your sponsor here, you need to pass up to 2 sales to your sponsor (your second and fourth sales). Note that after you pass 2 sales to your sponsors any sale you get is yours.

Also for your first referrals subscriptions (sale #1 and #3) you get a $10 commission and that each month as long as they maintain their membership active.

When your #1 and #3 referrals get their 4, 2 sales will be passing to you. You will be making $20 from each of them. That is $40 in total.

After that, you will be making a 2,5% commission from each referral in your network team.

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Networkers List review: The Pros and Cons

What I like

✔ Generous compensation plan

✔ Only $20 per month

What I don’t like

❌ Pay to play business model – you need to not only be a premium member to benefit from it but also to maintain your monthly subscription to get paid,

❌ No valuable product or service – credit you get is only used to advertise to other users who probably have joined to advertise their offer,

❌ You need to pass up to 2 sales to your sponsor,

❌ Only 6054 users at the time I was writing this NetworkersList review.

Where to go from here?

I admit if you are here, it is because you are looking for ways to make money online. Or maybe you are looking for traffic and leads (sign-ups) for your existing business. $20 seems to be a low budget to reach out to over 6000 people.

But what about $20 month after month to advertise to the same audience? Does it make sense for you?

The hic is that 98 of people who join such a
platform are not opportunities seekers but just people like you who are looking for sign-ups.

Here is my recommendation:

If you really want to build a sustainable and profitable online business – no matter if it is an MLM or affiliate marketing business, build a website. It is a marketing vehicle you can use to promote efficiently any product or service you want online.

And the best part, you will be building multiple streams of passive income without any extra effort.

And guess what? The start-up cost is very low – only $3.95 per month to build your dreamed online business.

I have reviewed over 100 MLM and only one of them grabbed my attention. Not because of its generous compensation plan but it walks its talk.

My final thoughts…

NetworkersList is a list building and advertising platform.
But contrary to LeadsLeap, it is an MLM program and I don’t find something valuable there that can encourage me to recommend it to you.

If it is an advertising website you want, you will be finding more value from some manual traffic exchange sites than this one (few people to reach out, expensive compared to this one).

That being said, I hope you found my Networkers List review helpful.

Do you have a question? Drop it in the comment section and I will respond to you ASAP.


To your success!


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