Up2Give Review 2025: Is It a scam or a legit opportunity to make 64 BCT easily?

Up2Give review: is ist a scam or legit

A new program has just been launched on the Internet and is creating a buzz on social networks and some forums. This program is called Up2Give.

So if you have been introduced to this program and you are looking for an honest Up2Give review to make an informed decision, you are in the right place.

Throughout this review of Up2Give, I will cover these points:

  • what Up2Give is?
  • how does Up2Give work?
  • Who is/are behind this program and their track record
  • Up2Give pros and cons, and
  • I will give you my final point of view to let you know if Up2Give is a scam or not.

Without future ado, let get into our Up2Give review now.

Up2Give Review summary: Company overview

Company Name: Up2Give

Website: www.up2give.com

Owners: Jerry Lopez, partnered with Andreas Kartrud and Sean E Star.

Products/service: any product or service

Price to join: $32

Legit or scam? – Scam

SOW YOUR SEED TODAY rating: 1/10

Do I recommend this? – NO

What is exactly Up2Give about?

Jerry Lopez, Up2Give’s founder claim that Up2Give is a philanthropic donation crowdfunding platform. But in reality, this program is only a cash-gifting program, a Ponzi, and a pyramid scheme.

Like any pyramid scheme program, Up2Give has no product or service on the back end.

I know why they have this claim. Alongside their cash gifting tab, they have a simple giving tab, where people can donate without taking part in their cash-gifting system. But that doesn’t make this program legitimate either.

Also, read my LiveGood review — make passive income without recruiting!

How does Up2Give work?

Some people, mainly cash-gifting fans, praise Up2Give as a golden ticket to financial freedom. At first glance, it seems like this program is the best program that will change the world. It seems it really creates value.

Here is what the co-founder states: “Up2Give is a global correlation movement designed to create a culture of Philanthropy, where UP2GIVE will help solve some of the world’s most obvious problems through the power of giving”. 

But the reality is quite different.

Up2Give is just a peer-to-peer donation program, a pyramid scheme with no products or services on the back end. That said, there are no products or services to promote. Money is generated based on the recruitment of new people to the system.

So all you have to do is to pay for your monthly fee ($32) give your 0.005 BCT for donation and then invite other people to join you. This is an unethical business model and it will be very hard to convince people to join you in this program.

You are wondering. Isn’t it just crowdfunding?

Yes, the first impression you may have is that it is crowdfunding! And giving or receiving a donation is legal!

Yes, you are right! Crowdfunding is legal but according to how Wikipedia defines crowdfunding, Up2Give is not a crowdfunding platform.

A crowdfunding platform is legit if only the one who gives a donation doesn’t expect a reward in return. But as long as you give a donation to others in order to be qualified to receive money from other members who will register after you, it becomes illegal.

Who are the founders of Up2Give?

It should be noted that at the time I was writing this Up2give review, their program is in pre-launch and there is no information on the site about the founder of this program.

However, my research allowed me to find 2 guys: one named Jerry Lopez claiming to be the founder and CEO of Up2Give, the other one named Andreas Kartrud claiming to be the Co-founder.

I tried to do some research to find out their track record.

And here is what I discovered:

Jerry Lopez - Up2Give founder
Jerry Lopez, founder of Up2Give

The founder Jerry introduces himself on his Facebook profile as a Public Speaker, Personal Development Coach, MLM Executive, and International Team Builder.

He joined LyfeStart International (LSI), an MLM company that closed its door just after about six months of operation in May 2014, where he was welcomed as the Executive Advisor of the company. After 8 months with LSI, he quit this company for another MLM company named Savi Health before ending up with Dunamis Global Tech, a Crypto MLM company that went under and was sold off to Onyx Lifestyle.

What about the co-fonder, Andreas Kartrud?

Up2Give CEO
Andreas Kartrud, co-founder of Up2Give

On his LinkedIn profile, Andreas Kartrud introduces himself as a professional network marketer, success coach, mentor, motivational speaker, online marketer, and a blockchain & crypto educator.

He is the CEO and Founder of “Bakluckeloppis i Malmö”, a flea market for the people of Malmö, before getting involved with “Wo Token wallet”, a crypto scam program.

Up2give’s products

Up2Give doesn’t offer products or services to it members.

However, they have a Giving Box but this cannot be considered as a real product either. It is just where members receive their donations from the people who will join Up2Give after them. So, Up2Give has no products or services.

Also, read Commission Jumpstart review – Learn how to make passive income with YouTube without showing your face.

How much money do you need to join Up2Give?

If you want to participate in the Up2Give cash-gifting program, you need to pay a minimum of $32 monthly membership fee and give a 0.005 BTC donation to a member “cause”.

When I was writing this post, 1 BCT costs $7152.28. If you do a quick calculation, 0.005 BCT equals about $36. That is a total of $68 you will need to join this program

Also, read MLM vs affiliate marketing – which is the best business model?

Up2Give compensation plan

Up2give review - compensation plan
Up2Give comp plan

Up2Give compensation is structured on a 6×2 matrix. But before entering into this 6×2 matrix, you will have to refer 2 people who will be ready to pay their 0.005 BCT and their $32 ongoing monthly fees.

This gives you a total of 0.01 BCT that will be used to fund your entry into the 6×2 matrix.

Here is how Up2Give’s compensation is structured:

  • Level 1: Give 0.01 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 0.01 BCT from 2 filled positions for your own cause.
  • Level 2: Give 0.01 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 0.01 BCT from 4 filled positions for your own cause.
  • Level 3: Give 0.02 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 0.02 BCT from 8 filled positions for your own cause.
  • Level 4: Give 0.050 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 0.050 BCT from 16 filled positions for your own cause.
  • Level 5: Give 0.25 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 0.25 BCT from 32 filled positions for your own cause.
  • Level 6: Give 1.0 BCT to someone’s cause to receive 1.0 BCT from 64 filled positions for your own cause.

Once you reached level 6, Up2Give will reduce 10% of the amount of BCT you received.

Is Up2Give a scam?

After you’ve read all this, do you still wonder if Up2Give is a scam or not?

All right!

3 main reasons lead me to this conclusion: Up2Give is a scam

  • Up2Give has no products or services that it offers to its users. Therefore, it is not a legitimate MLM company.
  • Up2Give is also not a crowdfunding platform because members give donations expecting donations from other members that will join the platform after them.
  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), states that any business or program that generates profit focusing on recruitment than selling a product/service is illegal.

Related post: Freedom Breakthrough review.

Up2Give Pros and Cons

The Pros

✔ Generous compensation plan (but it is a trip),

✔ Real people behind it,

✔ Entrance fee is low.

The Cons

❌ A pyramid scheme that will collapse,

❌ Impossible to build a long-term online business by following this system,

❌ You need to recruit to earn.

Also, read my Six Figure Mentors review.

Up2Give review: My final thoughts

I’m sure if you’re here, it’s because you intend to join perhaps this program. But you probably want to be sure that the business in which you intend to start is a legitimate business. You want to make sure that Up2Give is worth your hard-earned cash.

I also know that it is frustrating when you discover a program you believe in and you see that people’s reviews are not encouraging or motivating.

I was there and I understand the emotion it makes.

But what I want you to know is that my intention is not to discourage you or give you a scam review of a program in order to sell you something else.

If the program is worth it, I will be honest!

My goal is to let you know the truth, to expose any program designed to scam those who are looking for some ways to make money online.

And I think even if finding that a program you intended to join is a scam is disappointing, it is even more disappointing to lose your money with a program you believed in.

If you are looking for a proven way to make money online, check out this program, where you will get training, support, and tools to build your own online business that will lead you to make real money online.

It costs $19 for your first month and then $49 per month but it is worth it. You can also try it for free, no credit card is needed!

I hope my Up2Give review has helped you to have a better understanding of what this platform is? How does it work? And even more, it will help you make a wise decision.

If you like this post, share it with your friends. Any action you take is a seed you sow. Sure you’ll harvest it up sooner or later. And doing that will save your friend from getting involved in this garbage.

Struggling to recruit? Learn how to recruit in MLM like a pro.


To your success!!!


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14 thoughts on “Up2Give Review 2025: Is It a scam or a legit opportunity to make 64 BCT easily?”

  1. Hello Sebastian
    This is whenever I’m first becoming aware of this program.
    As you’ve framed in your article it seems like the program is a Ponzi conspire, all the more so on the grounds that individuals create benefits by initiates as opposed to selling items. There are individuals I am aware of who were once associated with this kind of business. They’ve lost cash during the time spent attempting to bring in cash by selecting others. In the end, the plan fell and the authors were not a single where in sight. A debt of gratitude is in order for the heads up.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for stopping by.
      Absolutely, sites like this are numerous out there and unfortunately most people fall on their traps.
      All the best.

  2. For those of you considering Up2Give, STAY AWAY. Andreas Kartrud heavily promoted wotoken, which locked up a bunch of people’s cryptos (millions of dollars) without warning, consent, or explanation and months later, Andreas and his supposed senior uplines refuse to give any answers or talk about this obvious problem. Andreas was even so bold as to continue to assert that wotoken is a legitimate investment and he insults and blocks people who question him about this obvious problem called lack of transparency. People have been tracking the movement of their cryptos through many different wallets, and they continue to move. Beware of these so-called investments based in China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    1. Hi Aaron,
      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing this with us!!
      I always said the best and legit way to make money online is affiliate marketing. Running behind programs that promise to make you rich overnight is a waste of time and you will lose your money while enriching the creators of these programs.

  3. Hi Sebastian
    This is the first time I’m hearing of this program.
    As you’ve outlined in your article it seems like the program is a ponzi scheme, more so because people generate profits by recruits instead of selling products. There are people I know of who were once involved in this type of business. They’ve lost money in the process of trying to make money by recruiting other people. In the end the scheme collapsed and the founders were no where to be found. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Thank you so much for the post! This is a great post because it helped me understand that this is a scam. I almost fell for it too so thank you so much!

  5. I was not familiar with Up2Give before reading your article. I found your review detailed and thorough. Whether I agree with your conclusion that this program is a scam is not particularly relevant. What is, though, is that you provided in a well-written review sufficient facts and analysis to alert the reader to the possibility that Up2Give may be a scam. Your article puts your reader on notice that further investigation would be prudent before buying into the program. I find that is all that a proper review should do.

    1. Hi Burton Green,
      Thank you for your long comment and for stopping by!!
      First off, I want to thank you for your advice!!!
      What I think is that if the program is not a scam but does not provide enough value to customers, I can conclude by recommending to readers to do their own analysis before embarking on it. That’s what I did with this review about SFI Affiliate Center that is not a scam but doesn’t give value to members.
      However, if the business is illegal and doesn’t comply with the FTC rule and only benefits its creator + the first subscribers, in my opinion, I think we need to be clear in our conclusion in order to alert readers to not getting scammed. This program is just a cash gifting and Ponzi scheme. Just check out this link a find out what the ACFE says about these kinds of businesses.

  6. Sometimes things that are new in the market generate a certain fear, a certain resistance of people but from the moment that things begin to flow and some people begin to have resulted there all want to.

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