Welcome to my honest and unbiased PetronPay review for 2025.
Is someone introduced to the Petronpay investment website? And you are wondering if it is a scam or a legit investment site you can leverage to make extra income online?
If yes, you are in the right place.
Throughout this review, I will aim to answer the question below.
Is PetronPay legit or is PatromPay a scam?
And to be able to answer this question we will delve deeper into the following points :
- What is PetronPay (PP)?
- How does it work?
- How much it cost to join the platform?
- What you get in return for your investment,
- PetronPay compensation plan
- Pros and cons and my final honest point of view.
But before we dive in, let me congratulate you for taking the time to do your own research before investing in any seemingly legit platform.
In fact, there are many scam sites out there – mainly in the MMO niche.
Doing this will not only save you time and money but also it can be a great way to find a legit and genuine platform to make sustainable and passive income online.
If you have visited the site, you noticed PP uses petroleum as a selling point. And it claims that its platform is sustainable and scalable.
This is just because they want to gain your trust. Because If you follow the international news of oil-producing countries, you will know that due to falling in the price of petroleum and COVID-19 many gulf countries are facing a very hard financial situation.
Petronpay review summary: Company overview
Name: Petronpay
Website: www.petronpay.com
Founders: Unknown
Product Type: MLM Investment website
Price: $30 – $2029 (admin fee included)
Is Petronpay a scam? Yes (even if they continue to pay – find out why in this review)
SOW YOUR SEED TODAY rating: 2/10
Do I recommend this? No
What is Petronpay?

Petronpay claims itself as a safe investment platform. It offers a higher daily ROI (Return On Investment) That ranges from 0.2% to 2.5%.
This is a very higher ROI and if you are new to the online world, you will fail on their trap thinking it is a good website to make cool money passively.
The question you must ask yourself is that what do they do with your money to offer you such benefits?
Does the PerronPay company sell products or services that can help them generate money and pay you back at this interest?
What I want you to know before we move on is that there are many similar sites that existed before but they collapsed.
The reason is obvious. There is no way they generate money instead of recruiting new paid subscribers.
And throughout this Petronpay review, I will show you why this website cannot stand and why you must avoid investing your money on such a website.
I know most of their victims will be African because based on my research Cameroun, Liberia, and Ivory Coast are the top users. This is what I got on Alexa.

Dear African, know there are countless ways you can make cool money online without risking your money with scammers.
Some of these ways are blogging, affiliate marketing, MLM (but not any MLM), etc.
I have been blogging since 2019 and making recurring and passive income online. If you want someone that will help you build a sustainable income online, you can contact me.
How does Petronpay work?
As I said earlier, PP is an investment and MLM website.
They offer investment plans (see below in this review) users can choose based on the amount of money they want to make or their pocket power.
So here is how the Petronpay website work:
You first need to choose the subscription package you want to invest in and then pay the money with an admin fee that ranges from $5 to $30 based on the subscription package you will choose.
Once you have made your payment, you can get your affiliate link to advertise the PP’s website and bring other people.
Everyone who joins under you and pays for its membership package qualifies you for a direct commission and also indirect commission because they pay 6 levels deeper.
Every person that joins under you gives you binary points that can boost your rank on their ranking system and bring you more money and rewards.
Note that if you don’t want to advertise or recruit other people you can still make money according to them and this is just your daily ROI.
Truth be told, if you will base on your investment interest it will take you more time to reach the cash out threshold.
But this is not the point. Is Petronpay a scam or legit website to rely on? This is the point here.
So don’t get excited and jump in before you read this eyes opened review of PetronPay till the end.
I reviewed 100+ MLM companies and only one retain my attention. Do you want to know which company is it and to join my team? Click this button below.
Does Petronpay offer products or service affiliates can sell and then make money?
PP has no retailable products or services. Members or affiliates can only market PetronPay affiliate membership itself in order to make money with the system.
That makes this MLM company and investment website a Pyramid scheme and not a legit MLM company.
Petronpay investment plan or subscription packages
Petronpay offers 7 subscriptions packages as listed below:
- Barrel 25 – $25 one time fee + $5 admin fee.
- Barrel 50 – $50 one time fee + $5 admin fee.
- Barrel 99 – $99 one time fee + $10 admin fee.
- Barrel 249 – $249 one time fee + $15 admin fee.
- Barrel 499 – $499 one time fee + $15 admin fee.
- Barrel 999 – $999 one time fee + $30 admin fee.
- Barrel 1999 – $1999 one time fee + $30 admin fee.
Note that each subscription package comes with binary points attached they use to rank members inside their platform.
Also, you must reinvest (if you want to continue) in any subscription package you want when your ROI reached 300%.
Another great review: LiveGood review – new revolutionary MLM program?
Petronpay’s compensation plan
Pertonpay offers a uni-level compensation plan down to 6 levels and there are multiple streams of income they promise to its affiliates.
ROI commissions
As I said at the beginning of this review, PP offers a higher ROI to lure people to join their website.
It ranges from 0,2 to 2,5%.
So when you purchase one of the packages that the company offers you will get this promised ROI percentage profit.
Note that the total ROI per investment will earn you a 300% return and you can reinvest that money if you want to continue earning from the platform.
Direct Commissions
PP pays direct commissions to members. This commission is only based on your personal referrals subscription when they choose to pay for one of the packages offered by the company.
What I mean is that any person that joins petronpay’s MLM system directly from your referral link and buys a package qualifies you for a commission.
10% of the funds invested are paid out as direct commissions across these six levels.
Here below is their promised commission rate:
Your personal referrals subscriptions ( level 1) gives you a 50% commission out of the of 10%,
Your referrals down to 6 levels (levels 2 to 6) earn you a 10% commission out of 10%.
Residual Commissions
The second stream of income Petronpay offers is residual commissions.
That is paid based on a binary compensation structure that places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates and that at no limit.
As for the commission rate, it is based on 50% of points generated on your weaker binary team side.
These binary points are attached to the subscription plans you can see on the PP’s website.
Aso, read Easy1Up review – legit MLM or another pyramid scheme?
PetronPay’s Affiliate Ranks
PP offers incentives rewards to its affiliate based on a ranking system as you can see below:
- Star: you need to accumulate 3000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Two Star: you need to accumulate 6000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Three Star: you need to accumulate 15,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Ruby: you need to accumulate 25,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Emerald: you need to accumulate 100,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Sapphire: you need to accumulate 250,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Diamond: you need to accumulate 750,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Ambassador: you need to accumulate 1,500,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- President: you need to accumulate 3,000,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Emperor: you need to accumulate 6,000,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
- Diamond Emperor: you need to accumulate 10,000,000 points in your weaker binary team side to qualify.
Rank Achievement Bonuses
Another stream of income PP offers is rank achievement bonuses.
This is based on your rank on their system that is based on your subscription package plan and your network team level.
Here below are how the PP’s MLM system rank members and the rewards attached to each rank:
- Star: You get a $100 bonus if you qualify,
- Two Star: You get a $200 bonus if you qualify;
- Three Star: You get an iPhone and Apple Watch as bonuses if you qualify;
- Ruby: You get Macbook as a bonus if you qualify;
- Emerald: You get $1000 and a trip to Cancun as a bonus if you qualify;
- Sapphire: You get a trip to Europe and a “game ticket” as a bonus if you qualify;
- Diamond: qualify and receive a Mini Coupe from BMW as a bonus;
- Ambassador: qualify and receive a Jeep Cherokee as a bonus;
- President: qualify and receive a Mercedes Benz Class G as a bonus;
- Emperor: qualify and receive a Porsche Carrera as a bonus;
- Diamond Emperor: qualify and receive a house worth up to $250,000 as a bonus.
Also, read Home Business Academy review – Scam or legit way to full your bank with commission?
Is Petronpay a scam or a legit investment website?
As you can see it in my Petronpay review previous section, it sounds very good and promising opportunity. And if you are new in the online world you will fail on their trap thinking it is easy to make money with this system.
These scammers know people don’t like recruiting. They know people want to make easy money.
And their targeted audience is those people.
But let me tell you by experience that this website is not a genuine and legit website to rely on as an online entrepreneur.
Just google Inexx network and read people’s reviews.
And then google inexxnetworking.com. You will see their domain name on sale.
It was a promising investment website that has been online in 2018 but turned into a scam.
And as a victim of this website I can tell you by experience this website will collapse – it is a matter of time.
And you know who lost money on these kinds of websites? It is the new members. Those who joined early and are on the top of the pyramid are those who benefit.
By the time it collapses they have made a lot of money. And you the newcomer is the one who lost.

So is Petronpay a scam or not?
Everyone has their own definition when it comes to scam.
For some, if the website is paying it is a legit website.
However, because a website is paying members right now doesn’t make it legit.
Even a scam website needs to pay first users in order to attract more people and then make more money.
Let face the reality!
Note that PP is an MLM company and MLM is a legit business model just like Affiliate marketing.
But any MLM company is not legit.
As for the FTC, any MLM company that generates money by only recruiting new members and not selling retails products or services is not a legal MLM company.
It is a pyramid and Ponzi scheme. Isn’t what this website is?
There are any retails products or services on the PP’s website affiliates can market and make money.
So based on how the FTC defines a legit MLM, the PetronPay is not a legit MLM company.
And I won’t stop here.
Another great review: MLM vs Affiliate Marketing – which is thĂ© right business model for beginners
Red flag to consider before you join
In this section of my Petronpay review, I want to show you son red flags you must consider before you put your hard-earned cash in these scammers’ hands if you don’t trust me.
Red flag #1: Hidden owner
You can check out the PP’s website here at pertonpay.com.
You cannot see in any way someone on their website claiming he or she is the owner of this company.
However, any legit company must be transparent with users.
Note that scammers always hide their identity in order to prevent authorities and their victims to sue them when they will run with people’s money.
They also hide their identity so that they can release new programs to scam more people.
Reg flag #2: Any legal page on their site
Unless you are new in the online world.
Any company (mainly companies that require investment from users) must have legal pages such as privacy policy, disclaimer, “terms and conditions”, etc.
You can see these pages on my website even I am not selling any product.
These pages are missed in Petronpay’s website at the time of this writing.
Red flag #3: They make people think they are a legit company by using a fake address on their website
This is new in the online world.
Scammers won’t lack a way to lure people.
On the PP’s website, you can see they use this address as their company address.”Airgate Business Center – Thurgauerstrasse 40, 8050, Zurich – Switzerland“.
This address is not a legit address because the Swiss authorities made a fraud warning against Petronpay decently.
This is just to seduce people and make them fail in their trap.
They even lie they have been in business for 10 years.
However, their domain name was been registered in December 2019.
But since I cannot see this statement on their site anymore it doesn’t worth mentioning. They removed it because they know people will discover this lie sooner though.
Petronpay pros and cons
The Pros
âś” Genuine compensation plan,
âś” Possibility to earn recurring income if you can build a dynamic network team.
The Cons
❌Hidden owner – think twice before you invest in it,
❌ Any legal pages can be found on the website,
❌ HYIP (High Yeilding Investment Program),
❌ A pyramid scheme – any product or service is offered,
❌ Hight risk investment website – mainly for newcomers.
My Petronpay review’s FAQ
What is Petronpay?
Petronpay is just a pyramid scheme that claims itself as a legit and genuine investment website.
How Petronpay works?
PP is an MLM and investment website that offers higher ROI. You just need to buy one of their subscription packages and you qualify for their ROI commission (300% ROI).
If you want to earn from the other income stream and bonuses, you need to recruit other members and build a dynamic team.
Is Petronpay legit?
It depends on how you define a legit platform. If for you, a legit company is any company that pays users by recruiting other members so PP may be a legit company. Because at the time I was writing this Petronpay review, it pays users.
But if a legit company has a deeper meaning than that; not complying with law and regulations, then Petronpay is not a legit website.
Is Petronpay safe?
For safety, the website seems safe to use. But based on the red flags I highlighted above, the owner seems not to have a good intention.
Where to go from now?
I am sure if you are looking for Petronpay reviews, it is because you are looking for ways to make extra money online.
Personally, in any way, I can’t recommend you to join this website and even spend a dollar on it.
I have been a victim of such a website in the past and the reason I created this website is to help people avoid the same errors I made on my journey while showing them how I make money online and how they can make money too.
As I say, I know most victims will be Africans based on the numbers of traffic this site receives from these countries.
But you know, whatever the country from which you read me, there are other ways you can invest your money wisely and make a profit from your money without getting scammed again.
Let me site only 3 ways :
- Affiliate marketing
You can learn how to get started here. Some people think it is about selling. Nope. You need to learn how to do it properly.
And here is the platform that helped me add a 3 digit recurring income to my day job salary. Training and tools offered. For your information, this website you are reading is hosted by this company.
- Blogging
It is a great way to build multiple streams of income and to make passive income in various ways. You can learn how to start a blog here with Bluehost or with my recommended platform here.
Check out this post to see by yourself the ways you can make money from a blog.
- Websites flipping
It is the process of buying a website, improving its value, and selling it at a higher return. It works like domain flipping.
Note that instead of buying and selling, you can create one from scratch and then sell it later for a higher ROI.
There are countless ways you can make extra money online without risking your money with scam sites.
Anyway, the best investment you can make is the one you make on yourself.
And starting your own online business or side hustle online business or buying a course that will help you improve your skills and knowledge is investing in yourself.
That being said, I hope you found my Petronpay review helpful.
If this is the case, don’t hesitate to share it with your friend.
Do you have a question or experience to share with us?
Drop it in the comment section.
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To your success!

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Maybe next time I will be more careful Investing in this company was one of the terrible decision I made this year, I had made my first few investments and collected my returns. I then advance to make a large sum payment only for me to find out that I had been ripped.
At the time, it felt like a dream.
Please let us all be careful out there. As beautiful as the returns of this investments might seem. You can easily fall victim of numerous scams..
Andrea, sorry to hear you lost your money in this scam site.
Our role as a blogger is to inform and aware people when we see the evidence that a program is not good program to build a sustainable online business.
Unfortunately most people think our intention is to sell their our offer to make money from them.
Thank you for stopping by.
These people are such scammers. I made an investment of €75,000.00 and as soon as I said I wanted to withdraw my money, my account was emptied. The person I was speaking to is called David Stone. Since seeing my empty account I have not been able to get a hold of him on the phone despite him calling me so many times prior to try and get me to invest more money. He promised that I would be making a lot of money and that this investment especially in bitcoin has a guarantee in making double or triple and would definitely not fail. I’m shocked such unprecedented times where there is no work as this is the reason I wanted to make the withdrawal and he has shown no remorse or solution.
Hi, Caroline
Thank you for stopping by and for sharing jour experience.
Sorry to hear you have Lost such amount of money in this platform.
Omg I ja e already invested, now since all online businesses are scams, which ones are legit?
Hi, Thusani
Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your thought.
For your information, there are many scam sites. That is different from online businesses.
Just to name a few business models that are legit:
Affiliate marketing is a legit business model and millions of people (including myself) are making money from it. It is not a secret and everyone can do it.
Blogging and website (even domain name flipping) flipping is a business model,
E-commerce and drop shipping are legit online businesses. And the list goes on.
People want easy money and fail on scam sites.
I always say we need to have an entrepreneurship mindset to be successful. No matters if you are working for someone or if you are running your own business or if you don’t have a job, not having the right mindset can keep you unsuccessful or broke. Sorry to be rude but it is a fact.
There are legit investment and reliable sites. they don’t promise 300 ROI in a short time.
And while investing your money is another way to grow your revenue, you need to wise. I don’t think it is HYIPs that made Warren Buffet, Jack Maa, Jeff Besos (just to new a few) millionaires.
Think twice before you invest your money with any YYIP. We know the math behind this garbage.
Good luck
My experience with this company is terrible. I lost all my Bitcoin to this people and no one was talking about a way out of the mess. The customer care representative I spoke to kept saying there’s nothing they could do and then they stopped picking my calls or replying my mails.
Hi, Herper
Thank you for stopping by and sorry to hear you have been scammed by this company.
Sharing your experience will help other people to stay away from it.
All the best!
Cashfxgroup.com review please
Hi Sebastian, could you kindly give a detailed review on Cashfxgroup.
South Africa
Hi, Thando.
I will take a look at the company and if it worth a review I will make it and let you know.
Thank you for your suggestion for stopping by.
All the best!
God bless you Sebastian! Thank you very much for the heads up!
Hi, Felix
Amen! You are most welcome.
Thank you for stopping by.
All the best!
Glad to read this. Bless you
Thank you for stopping by, Rey.
Best wishes!
Hi Sebastian,
Such an informative article on Patronpay investment site.
Your article helped to shed light on the dark side of these misleading online platforms, as newbies don’t realize they are risking and are being the victim of such frauds, but your article will surely help them all to be cautious before investing in them.
It’s ridiculous how this scam still exists, we people need to be skeptical, aware that making money online is not easy it takes time to progress and achieve success online.
All the red flags mentioned in your article are commendable and must be considered, one should cautiously deal with such scams.
Thanks for the warning!
Hi, Samantha
You are most welcome!!
Yeah, sadly…
Thank you for stopping by.
Hi Sebastian,
It’s interesting to know that this is petrol related MLM, but it never brings people the earning potential. Offering membership products sounds skeptical to me, so I don’t want to go further to try this MLM. When it comes to making money online, it’s pitiful to see people chasing shiny objects like this one & lose money in the end.
The three ways you list out might bring slower earning, but you surely can make profits if you stick to your plan & build your site step by step. I would suggest people try them too. 🙂
Hi, Matt Lin
You are right. Most people prefer quick buck and easy money to building a real business that can lead them to be financially free over time.
Thank you for stopping by.
Best wishes!
Its fairly new company and hence I feel some people will have the “first-mover advantage” and will make some money. Otherwise without a product or a service I don’t see this company last for a long time. The red flags which you have mentioned can’t be overlooked…one needs to tread cautiously with this one.
Also, I feel it is high time, people realize having a thriving online business takes time, it does not happen overnight. If you looking for a quick bucks then perhaps this may work for you.
Hi, Satz
Thank you for stopping by.
Yeah, these kinds of schemes can’t last. The first people who joined are winners and the rest will probably lose their hard-earned cash.
If you want a proven and genuine way to make money online, affiliate marketing is the way to go and you can get started for free here.
Thanks for the information on Petronpay. I’ve looked at several MLMs, but hadn’t heard of this. I think from the get-go, when you say they don’t offer any kind of product or service, warns you that it probably is a scam. Wouldn’t you say so? I think you did well in pointing out the many red flags with this company. Thanks for the warning, great review!
Hi, Yvette
Thank you for stopping by.
Thanks for your Petronpay Review. Given all the red flags, and on your recommendation, I will definitely not get involved in this system. It would be great for this article to be read by anyone considering joining Petronpay.
Unfortunately, in systems like this, you work for others, not for yourself. There are many good legitimate opportunities online on how to make money, by investing, by blogging, by affiliate marketing, there are many other forms of additional earnings with your work. And it is always advisable to check the system, program, platform before you plan to join.
Thanks for this extensive presentation and all the facts about Petronpay.
I wish you all the best
Hi, Nina
Thank you for stopping by.
Yeah, you are right. There are many ways to make money online includding MLM. But unfortutely most people didn’t take the time to check if the company that promise hevean and earth is a legit MLM or a pyramid scheme before they get in.
Affiliate marketing through blogging is the easiest way to start making real money online I would recommend to everyone who wants to build a long term online business.
It is as you said most people prefer get rich quick scheme instead to getting involved into real business.
All the best to you too.